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  • BK murli today in Hindi 27 June 2018 - aaj ki murli

    Brahma Kumaris murli today in Hindi - Aaj ki Murli - BapDada - Madhuban - 27-06-2018 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति "बापदादा" मधुबन" मीठे बच्चे - तुम्हें देह सहित इस सारी पुरानी दुनिया का त्याग करना है, क्योंकि तुम्हें गाइड द्वारा सच्चा रास्ता मिल गया है" प्रश्नः- ईश्वरीय प्लैन के अनुसार किस कर्त्तव्य में कल्याण समाया हुआ है? उत्तर:- यह महाविनाश का जो कर्त्तव्य है, जिसमें सारी बेहद की पुरानी दुनिया खत्म होनी है, इसमें कल्याण समाया हुआ है। मनुष्य समझते यह बहुत बड़ा अकल्याण है, लेकिन बाप कहते मैंने यह ज्ञान यज्ञ जो रचा है, इसमें सारी पुरानी दुनिया की आहुति पड़ेगी, फिर नई दुनिया आयेगी। गीत:-ओम् नमो शिवाए .... ओम् शान्ति।बच्चों ने गीत सुना। यह महिमा किसकी थी? तुम मात-पिता अर्थात् परमपिता परमात्मा की महिमा। ऊंच ते ऊंच भगवान, वही है ऊंच ते ऊंच गॉड फादर। ईश्वर को फादर कहा जाता है। किसका फादर? सारी मनुष्य सृष्टि का फादर। वह है बेहद का बाप। जब उनको बाप कहा जाता है तो रचयिता भी है। मनुष्य सृष्टि का रचयिता है। वास्तव में सभी मनुष्य मात्र के दो बाप हैं - एक लौकिक, दूसरा पारलौकिक हुआ आत्माओं का बाप। आत्मा को जिस्म देने वाला है लौकिक बाप। आत्मा तो निराकार ही है। आत्माओं का निवास स्थान निराकारी दुनिया में है, जिसको ब्रह्मलोक भी कहा जाता है। यहाँ सभी आत्माओं को यह शरीर मिला हुआ है पार्ट बजाने। ड्रामा के राज़ को भी अच्छी रीति समझना है। तुम जानते हो कि गॉड फादर की महिमा सभी से न्यारी है। गाते भी हैं ओ गाड फादर। मनुष्य सृष्टि का बीज रूप है। यह है उल्टा झाड़। बीज बाप ऊपर में है। जब कहते हैं - ओ गाड फादर, तो ऊपर में नज़र जाती है। सभी आत्माओं का फादर एक परमपिता परमात्मा है। उनकी महिमा है सभी से ऊंची। परन्तु मनुष्य बिल्कुल नहीं जानते हैं। सभी आत्माओं का फादर वह निराकार बाप और फिर साकार बाप प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा, जिसको आदि देव, महावीर, एडम भी कहते हैं। जिस द्वारा निराकार परमपिता परमात्मा मनुष्य सृष्टि रचते हैं। फादर को तो कभी बेअन्त नहीं कहा जा सकता। जैसे लौकिक फादर रचना रचते हैं, स्त्री को एडाप्ट कर फिर उनसे बच्चे पैदा करते हैं, तो उसको फादर कहा जाता है। फादर को कभी सर्वव्यापी वा बेअन्त नहीं कहेंगे। बाप से ही बच्चों को वर्सा मिलता है। तो निराकार परमपिता परमात्मा है सभी आत्माओं का बेहद का बाप। यह समझना है। गॉड इज वन, फादर इज वन। अभी आत्मा अपने फादर को भूल गई है। फादर को भूलने कारण सभी मनुष्य-मात्र आरफन बन गये हैं। फादर को न जानने कारण बहिश्त को यानी रचना को अथवा भाई-बहन को याद करते रहते हैं। फादर को भूल आपस में ही लड़ते-झगड़ते रहते हैं। निधण के बन पड़े हैं। वर्सा मिलता ही है उस बाप से। ब्रह्मा-विष्णु-शंकर भी उनकी रचना हैं। ब्रह्मा-विष्णु-शंकर हैं सूक्ष्मवतनवासी। सूक्ष्मवतन के ऊपर है मूल-वतन, जहाँ परमपिता परमात्मा रहते हैं। हम आत्मा भी वहाँ की रहवासी हैं। आत्मा कहेगी वह है स्वीट गॉड फादरली होम, निराकारी दुनिया। इन वतनों को जानना है। तीन लोक कहते हैं। मूलवतन, सूक्ष्मवतन और स्थूल-वतन। ऊंच ते ऊंच है बाप। करनकरावनहार, क्रियेटर, डायरेक्टर परमपिता परमात्मा है। पहले ब्रह्मा-विष्णु-शंकर को क्रियेट करते हैं। फिर ब्रह्मा द्वारा ब्रह्मा मुखवंशावली ब्रह्माकुमार-कुमारियों को एडाप्ट करते हैं। देलवाड़ा मन्दिर में भी आदि देव दिखाया है। नीचे तपस्या कर रहे हैं। तुम्हारा ही यादगार खड़ा है। जिन्होंने भारत को पतित से पावन बनाया है, उन्हों का यादगार खड़ा है। सभी सजनियों का साजन एक ही है। बरोबर मन्दिर में जगत अम्बा और जगतपिता बैठे हैं। राजयोग की तपस्या कर रहे हैं। भगवानुवाच - मैं ब्रह्मा तन द्वारा बैठ तुमको राजयोग सिखलाता हूँ। जगत अम्बा भी है। प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा भी है और ब्रह्माकुमार-कुमारियाँ भी हैं। अधर कुमारियाँ भी हैं। मन्दिर वाले खुद नहीं जानते कि कुमारियाँ कौन, अधरकुमारियाँ कौन हैं? जरूर जगत अम्बा, जगत पिता के बच्चे होंगे। उन सबको बैठ राजयोग सिखाते हैं। पहले-पहले ब्रह्मा को कैसे रचते हैं? वह भी बताते हैं। साधारण तन में, वानप्रस्थ अवस्था में प्रवेश करता हूँ। तो यह आदि देव हुआ ना। प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा जिसको महावीर कहते हैं - वह किसका बच्चा है? बाप बैठ समझाते हैं कि मैं इस ब्रह्मा तन में प्रवेश करता हूँ। मेरा नाम है शिव। ऐसे नहीं, बाबा आते ही नहीं है। गाया हुआ है यदा यदाहि.... इस समय यह है ही पतित दुनिया। पावन दुनिया कैसे बनती है - वह समझना चाहिए। बाबा समझाते हैं - मैं ही सद्गति दाता हूँ। गंगा नदी को गति-सद्गति दाता नहीं कह सकते। पतित-पावन परमपिता परमात्मा ही है। वह हेविनली गॉड फादर ही स्वर्ग की स्थापना करते हैं। जबकि उनकी सन्तान हैं तो फिर क्यों नहीं गॉड फादर से स्वर्ग का वर्सा मिलना चाहिए। समझ की बात है ना। देलवाड़ा मन्दिर में भी पूरा यादगार है। नीचे तपस्या में बैठे हैं, ऊपर में स्वर्ग का यादगार है। देवी-देवतायें भारत में ही थे। जरूर बाप आते हैं पतितों को पावन बनाने। कहते हैं - मैं कल्प-कल्प, कल्प के संगमयुगे-युगे आता हूँ। संगमयुग है आस्पीशियस युग। जबकि कलियुग के अन्त में मैं आकर सतयुग की स्थापना करता हूँ। यह बाप बैठ समझाते हैं। वह जन्म-मरण रहित है। मनुष्य को भगवान नहीं कहा जा सकता। मनुष्य तो 84जन्म लेते हैं।तुम बच्चे जानते हो यह है मृत्युलोक। सतयुग को कहा जाता है अमरलोक। यह है रौरव नर्क। मनुष्यमात्र सब एक दो को काटते रहते हैं। भारत ही पावन था, जिसमें देवी-देवतायें राज्य करते थे। बाप आते ही हैं पतित दुनिया, पतित शरीर में। जरूर जो पहले सतयुग में आये होंगे, उनके ही अन्तिम जन्म के तन में बाप आये होंगे। गाया भी जाता है आत्मा-परमात्मा अलग रहे बहुकाल...पूरा हिसाब हो गया ना। पहले-पहले आदि सनातन देवी-देवता धर्म वाले ही थे। 84 जन्म भी उन्हों के ही हैं। इस्लामी, बौद्धी आदि 84 जन्म नहीं ले सकते हैं। भारत है ही परमपिता परमात्मा का बर्थ प्लेस। सब खण्डों से ऊंच है भारत खण्ड। परन्तु अभी है कलियुग। बाबा ने समझाया है वह है अविनाशी वर्ल्ड ड्रामा। इसका कभी विनाश नहीं होता। वर्ल्ड की हिस्ट्री-जॉग्राफी रिपीट होती है। जो इस नॉलेज को जान स्वदर्शन चक्रधारी बनते हैं, वो ही चक्रवर्ती राजा बनेंगे। भारत में जब देवी-देवताओं का राज्य था तो और कोई धर्म नहीं था। नये भारत में नई राजधानी देवी-देवताओं की थी। वर्ल्ड आलमाइटी अथॉरिटी का राज्य था। उन पर कोई जीत पा न सके। श्री लक्ष्मी-नारायण सारे विश्व के मालिक थे। उन्हों को विश्व का मालिक बनाने वाला जरूर विश्व का रचयिता ही होगा। वह है परमपिता परमात्मा, गॉड फादर। इस समय देवी-देवताओं का नाम-निशान नहीं है। देवी-देवताओं के सिर्फ चित्र हैं। परन्तु उनके आक्यूपेशन को कोई भी जानते नहीं। इस समय गवर्मेन्ट में भी कोई ताकत नहीं रही है। अपने धर्म का पता नहीं है। कहा जाता है रिलीजन इज माइट। रिलीजन स्थापन करने वाला है बाप। उनको ही सर्वशक्तिमान कहा जाता है। तो गॉड फादर, फादर भी है, फिर उनको नॉलेजफुल कहा जाता है तो टीचर भी है और फिर उनको पतित-पावन कहा जाता है तो सतगुरू भी है। उनका कोई फादर नहीं। वह है सुप्रीम फादर, सुप्रीम टीचर क्योंकि नॉलेजफुल है। और कोई भी मनुष्य ड्रामा के आदि-मध्य-अन्त की नॉलेज को नहीं जानते। सद्गति दाता भी सबका वह एक है। उनका कोई गुरू नहीं। वही बेहद का बाप, बेहद का टीचर और बेहद का सतगुरू है।बाप समझाते हैं भारत अब कंगाल पतित है। पतित बनाती है माया रावण। अभी भारत आसुरी राजस्थान है। सतयुग में दैवी राजस्थान था, जिसको स्वर्ग, हेविन कहा जाता है। भारत ही ऊंच से ऊंच अविनाशी खण्ड है। अविनाशी बाप का यह बर्थ प्लेस है। भारत खण्ड कभी विनाश को नहीं पायेगा और सब खत्म हो जायेंगे। तो बाप का भी इस ड्रामा में पार्ट है, जो इस पतित सृष्टि को पावन बनाकर आदि सनातन धर्म की स्थापना करते हैं। शंकर द्वारा अनेक धर्मो का विनाश। यह विनाश कोई अकल्याणकारी नहीं है। यह है रुद्र ज्ञान यज्ञ, जिससे विनाश ज्वाला प्रज्जवलित हुई है। बाप कहते हैं गीता का रचयिता मैं निराकार परमपिता परमात्मा हूँ। मनुष्यों ने फिर श्रीकृष्ण का नाम डाल दिया है। भगवानुवाच - मैं तुमको राजयोग सिखलाता हूँ। तुम राजयोगी हो। तुम्हें सारी पुरानी सृष्टि का, देह सहित जो कुछ है सबका त्याग करना है। मैं गाइड बन सबको वापिस ले चलने आया हूँ। बाप ही दु:खों से लिबरेट करते हैं। आधा कल्प है भक्ति अर्थात् रावण राज्य और आधा कल्प है राम राज्य। यह बाप बैठ समझाते हैं। कोई मनुष्य नहीं समझाते। अभी बाप आत्माओं से बात करते हैं। समझाते हैं - बच्चे, तुम्हारा यह है प्रवृत्ति मार्ग। भारत में प्योरिटी थी तो पीस प्रासपर्टी भी थी। अभी प्योरिटी नहीं तो पीस प्रासपर्टी भी नहीं। सब रोगी, दु:खी हैं। अभी भारत दु:खधाम है। भारत ही सुखधाम था। अब बाप कहते हैं - बच्चे, मेरे साथ योग लगाओ। पहले तो निश्चय होना चाहिए कि हम आत्मा हैं, न कि परमात्मा। जैसे सन्यासी कहते हैं ईश्वर सर्वव्यापी है। परमात्मा की तो महिमा बहुत भारी है। तुम भी सतयुग में सब पवित्र थे। अब अपवित्र बन गये हो। ब्राहमण, देवता, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य, शूद्र - यह वर्ण हैं ना। तुम हो प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा की औलाद ब्राह्मण। अदि देव ब्रह्मा को किसने जन्म दिया? बाप कहते हैं मैंने इसमें प्रवेश कर इनका नाम ब्रह्मा रखा। इनको एडाप्ट किया। यह भागीरथ है। इनके द्वारा मैं तुम्हें माया पर जीत प्राप्त कराता हूँ। बाकी कोई युद्ध आदि का मैदान नहीं है। तुम हो अहिंसक। हिंसा डबल होती है - एक तो काम कटारी की हिंसा, दूसरी फिर एक दो को मारने की हिंसा। बाबा कहते हैं यह काम महाशत्रु है, इनसे तुमने आदि-मध्य-अन्त दु:ख पाया है। रावण राज्य द्वापर से शुरू होता है। जबकि ब्रह्मा की रात शुरू होती है। यह संगमयुग ही सबसे कल्याणकारी है। पीछे तो नीचे उतरते जाते हैं। देवता से क्षत्रिय, क्षत्रिय से वैश्य, शूद्र वर्ण में आना ही है। जो ब्राह्मण धर्म के होंगे वो ही आकर ब्रह्माकुमार, ब्रह्माकुमारियाँ बनेंगे। बाप समझाते हैं - भारत जीवन्मुक्त था, अभी जीवनबन्ध है। बाबा आकर सेकेण्ड में जीवन्मुक्ति देते हैं। बाप से भारत को कल्प-कल्प बेहद सुख का वर्सा मिलता है। मुक्ति-जीवन्मुक्ति का वर्सा मनुष्य, मनुष्य को दे न सके। पार ले जाने वाला एक ही सतगुरू है। तुम विश्व के रचयिता बाप द्वारा विश्व के मालिक बन रहे हो। बाप कहते हैं मैं तो निष्काम हूँ। ब्रह्मा द्वारा तुमको विश्व का मालिक बनाकर मैं वानप्रस्थ में बैठ जाता हूँ। गाया जाता है दु:ख में सिमरण सब करें, सुख में करे न कोई.... अब सब भक्त एक भगवान को याद करते हैं। फिर सर्वव्यापी कह देते हैं, तो भक्त कैसे ठहरे? यह उल्टा ज्ञान है। बाप तो रचते हैं मुख वंशावली। तुम हो प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा की मुखवंशावली। वह ब्राह्मण हैं कुख वंशावली। वे जिस्मानी पण्डे, तुम हो रूहानी पण्डे।बाप सब आत्माओं को कहते हैं - अब तुम मुझ बाप को याद करो। बाप को थोड़े-ही भूलना चाहिए। बाप को भूला तो वर्सा कैसे मिलेगा। बाप कहते हैं मामेकम् याद करो। बाकी सब हैं रचना, उनसे वर्सा नहीं मिल सकता। अच्छा!मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का याद, प्यार और गुडमार्निग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते। धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:- 1) ड्रामा के राज़ को अच्छी रीति जानकर पार्ट बजाना है। अभी हम धणी बाप के बने हैं, कब आपस में लड़ना-झगड़ना नहीं है। 2) बाप गाइड बन सबको लेने आया है, अब देह सहित सब कुछ भूल एक बाप को ही याद करना है। वरदान:- हिम्मत के संकल्प द्वारा माया को हिम्मतहीन बनाने वाले हिम्मतवान आत्मा भव l जो बच्चे एक बल एक भरोसे में रहते हैं, हिम्मत का संकल्प करते हैं कि हमें विजयी बनना ही है तो हिम्मते बच्चे मददे बाप का सदा अनुभव होता है। हिम्मत से मदद के पात्र बन जाते हैं। हिम्मत के संकल्प के आगे माया हिम्मतहीन बन जाती है। जो कमजोर संकल्प करते कि पता नहीं होगा या नहीं, मैं कर सकूंगा या नहीं, ऐसे संकल्प ही माया का आह्वान करते हैं इसलिए सदा उमंग-उत्साह सम्पन्न हिम्मत के संकल्प करो तब कहेंगे हिम्मतवान आत्मा। स्लोगन:- निर्माणचित के तख्त पर बैठ, जिम्मेवारी का ताज धारण करना ही श्रेष्ठता है। #bkmurlitoday #Hindi #brahmakumaris

  • 13 May 2018 BK murli today in English

    Brahma Kumaris murli today in English for 13 May 2018 - Avyakt BapDada - madhuban - Sweet invaluable elevated versions of Avyakt BapDada for the meeting of senior brothers and sisters. Today, the Father, the Ocean of All Powers, is seeing His Shakti Army. The symbol of the trident, that is, the trimurti stage, is very clearly visible on the forehead of each one. The trident is shown as a symbol of power. So each one of you is carrying the trident and is part of the Shakti Army, are you not? Bap, Dada and you – does this trimurti constantly remain in a clear form or does it sometimes merge and sometimes emerge? Do you also remember that, as well as Bap and Dada, you too are an elevated and powerful soul? With the awareness of this trimurti, Shiva is visible with the Shaktis. In many temples, as a memorial of the combined form of BapDada, along with the symbol of Shiva; they also show a human form in that image. It is the combined memorial of Bap and Dada. Along with that, they also portray the Shaktis. So, by having the stage of an embodiment of the trimurti awareness, you will easily become an image that grants visions. At present, you have become images of servers, lecturers and master teachers. You now have to become images that grant visions in a practical way. You have become easy yogis, but you now have to become elevated yogis. You have become tapaswi souls, but you have still to become great tapaswi souls. Nowadays, whether you call it service, tapasya, study, effort; or the boundary of purity, do you know what level it is at? Do you know? Are you moving along with the waves of everything being “easy” in terms of being an easy yogi? As of the final period, human souls at present do not need words, but elevated vibrations and an elevated atmosphere through which they can easily receive visions. An experience is also equal to a vision. There are many who speak, but those to whom you speak are no less in speaking about their own things. However, what they lack is the granting of visions; they are unable to do that. This is the speciality, newness and success that you elevated souls have. Reveal this speciality on the stage. On the basis of this speciality, everyone will say that they actually saw and attained, that they didn’t just hear something, but that they experienced a glimpse of the Father practically. Let there not be the experience that such-and-such a sister or such-and-such a brother was speaking, but let there be the experience that a unique power was speaking through them. In the beginning, when Brahma had a vision of a special power, what did he say? “Who was that? What was it?” In the same way, let those who listen to you experience and wonder, “Who were they?” Let them not just hear points, but let the point of light be visible in the centre of the forehead. This newness will open everyone’s eye of recognition. Their eyes of recognition have not opened as yet. At the moment, they put you in the same line as others. They say you say the same things that others speak of, that they too do the same thing that you do. However, there is now a need to give them the experience that this is the same One whom they had been invoking and for whom they had been waiting. The method for this is simply to change one word. Change the waves of being an easy yogi. Don’t use the word “easy” in the household, but use it to become an embodiment of total success. There is now a need for making waves of being elevated yogis, being images of great tapasya, images that grant visions and of spirituality. Now race. How many did you give the message to? Even those who have just taken the seven days’ course are able to do this; they too are able to give this message. However, now race in seeing to how many you gave an experience. Let there now be the waves everywhere of you giving experiences and making others into embodiments of experience. Do you understand? Now, the year 1984 is coming, and the Shakti of 84 bells is well known. There is praise of all the goddesses. The bells will be rung in ’84 and this is why there is this praise of the bells. Now spread the wave of granting visions, just as there was in the beginning. Spread this sound. When you become equal to the Father, they will automatically receive visions. At present, they experience this to some extent, but now spread this wave everywhere. You also spread the waves of the melas, do you not? You have had many melas (meetings) and also celebrated many ceremonies. Now celebrate the ceremony of having a meeting. You have come here to make new plans for the New Year. The first plan is to make yourself plain of all weaknesses, for only then will you be able to grant visions. If this plan were to become practical in this meeting, service would then bow down at your feet. You now have to fulfil this desire of BapDada’s. His desire has not yet been fulfilled. Meetings take place and BapDada has everyone’s chart. However, in order to maintain regard for you, BapDada doesn’t say anything to you about that. Achcha. Today, Baba has come to meet you and not to show you your charts. (To Dadiji): Where is your friend (Didi)? In a womb? She is in a womb in name, but, even now, she is on a service tour. Just as in the corporeal form, after the World Mother, she was Brahma Baba’s companion, in the same way, even now, she is with avyakt Brahma. She is playing the part of a companion in service. There is a bondage of the physical senses in name, but in particular there is the bond of service. The World Mother especially looked after the business activities of the establishment of the yagya at the beginning and, after the World Mother, it was the responsibility of this soul (Didi). There were other companions too, but she especially had a part on the stage and with corporeal Brahma Baba. Even now, Father Brahma and Didi continue to have heart-to-heart conversations and play various parts in service. Together with Brahma, many specially beloved souls also have a part in establishing the new world with great force. Just as Didi’s sanskars in the corporeal form were to put plans of service into practice and to give zeal and enthusiasm, in the same way, even now, she is playing the part with that same sanskar of encouraging the group of instruments who are carrying out establishment of the new world. Do you remember Didi’s special words? What were her special words to put zeal and enthusiasm into others? She always said: Do something new. What is happening now? She used to ask repeatedly: What newness have you brought? In the same way, she used to converse with avyakt Brahma using the same words. She is putting zeal and enthusiasm into the advance party too. What have you done so far? What is happening now? She is putting that same sanskar into a practical form. She never used to allow anyone to sit idly. Even now, she is getting the arrows ready to bring the advance party onto the stage. She had the sanskars of a controller. She is now the controller of the advance party. Her sanskars of service are even now in an emerged form. Do you understand where Didi is now? She is now touring the world. Baba will tell you when she has taken her seat. Even now she is making many very big plans to give you co-operation. It will not now take long. Achcha. To such constantly elevated yogis, to those who are constantly images of great tapasya, to those who become the same as the Father practically and grant visions of the Father, to those who spread everywhere the wave of the attainment “I saw and I attained”, to such great images of tapasya, to all the loving children from this land and abroad who remain absorbed in service, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste. BapDada speaking to the meeting group: The meetings have already taken place. Meetings take place in order to bring the world closer to the Father, not just to give a message. They are coloured with the colour of bringing others close. The closer they come to the Father, the more they are coloured by the company. When they have to listen to something, they have to listen to some things and forget other things, but those who come close - because of being close to the Father - remain coloured with spiritual colour. So what service has to be done now? That of bringing others close. You have already given the message. You played the part of messengers and you gave the message. However, what do you have to become now? In what form are the Shaktis always remembered? All of you are the Shakti Army, are you not? Shaktis are always remembered as mothers, with the thought of receiving sustenance. You have given many messages and many others have now also emerged who will give the message, so those who give sustenance are now needed. The work of those who are special instruments is to stay with the sustenance of the Father at every second, and to give everyone the Father’s sustenance. Little children, who are always being sustained, are so happy! No matter what happens, they remain so happy because of being sustained. In the same way, now give all souls the experience of having God’s sustenance. Let them feel that they are moving along while being sustained by God; that you are giving them the drishti of God’s sustenance. So, there is now a need for sustenance. So, are you those who give sustenance or just messengers? Nowadays, there are many who call themselves messengers. It is a very common thing to become a messenger. However, whoever comes should now experience that they are receiving God’s sustenance. This is known as bringing souls into a relationship. All of you are very specially loved, are you not? The specially loved ones means those who do something practically what no one else can do. It is not a big thing if you do what everyone else does. The meaning of giving sustenance is to make them powerful, to enable their thoughts and powers to emerge, and to give them zeal and enthusiasm, to make them a form of Shakti in every respect. There is now a greater need for this form of sustenance. They are moving along, but there is now a need for them to move along as powerful souls, so that even if new people come here, they definitely experience God’s power here. They experience the power of words, but now give them the experience of your having God’s power here. When you go onto the stage you remember that you have to give a lecture, but now remember more that the lecture is just a means, that you really have to give the feeling of Godly power. Let them feel God’s power even in your words. This is known as being unique. When someone gives a very good speech, you see that person as a speaker. Now let them see you as God’s spiritual souls. You have to give them this feeling. This feeling sows God’s seed. That seed cannot then be removed. When someone has had an experience for even one second, he won’t require any effort from you till the end. The interaction and way of being served for those who experience God’s sparkle as soon as they come is different from those who simply hear everything and are impressed by it. The interaction of those who simply move along with love is also different. There are many different varieties. So, now, first of all, experience yourselves to be constantly under God’s sustenance, for only then will others experience this. You are moving along with service, but service is also a form of sustenance. You are moving along with God’s sustenance. Service makes you powerful; that too is God’s sustenance. However, let this remain in an emerged form. You have to have determination for this. To be a very specially loved child means to be a sample, equal to the Father. Achcha. BapDada giving love and remembrance to the double-foreign children: BapDada is giving mult-imillion-fold special love and remembrance in return to the double-foreign children. In return for all the letters and news that all of you have written to Baba, congratulations to all of you for making your efforts intense. AS well as that, if any side scene comes in front of you whilst you are making effort, there is no need to be afraid of it. Whatever side scene comes, continue to pass by it in remembrance and happiness. Victory and success are your birthright; you pass the side-scene and reach your destination. Therefore, in order to make any big thing small, you yourself become stable in the greatest stage and big things will then automatically become small. When you see things up above while being in a stage down below, they seem big to you. Therefore, remain stable in a high stage and whilst seeing anything big, you will experience it to be small. Whenever any situation or obstacle comes, remain stable in your elevated stage, in your highest-on-high stage. Sit down with the Father and you will easily be coloured by the Father’s company; you will also receive His company. Then, because of your high stage, everything will be experienced to be small and you will therefore not be afraid. Don't be disheartened, but constantly swing in the swing of happiness and success will constantly come in front of you. Nature will garland you with the garland of success. Situations will change and become garlands of victory. This is why you are very courageous, you have zeal and you always remain enthusiastic. When some things happen every now and then, don't think about them. The time passed, the situation changed and so it becomes wasteful to think about them. This is why, just as the time passed, in the same way, let the past be the past in your intellect. Those who let the past become the past remain constantly carefree and have zeal and enthusiasm. This is why BapDada especially remembers those who have courage and enthusiasm at amrit vela and also gives special power. At that time, if you take power while considering yourself to be worthy, you will have very good experiences. (We become lazy at amrit vela.) You don't churn points of happiness as much as you should. If you churn throughout the day, then, at amrit vela, the treasures you have churned will come in front of you, you will feel happy and not be lazy. However, there is very little churning throughout the day. At that time, you try to churn, but you are unable to churn because your intellect is not fresh. Then, neither is there churning nor is there any experience and so there is laziness. In order to make your amrit vela powerful, it is very necessary to conduct yourself according to the shrimat you receive for the whole day. Therefore, continue to churn throughout the day. Continue to play with the jewels of knowledge. By remembering things of happiness, sleepiness will go away and you will experience such happiness as though a mine of attainment has opened up. Where there is attainment, there is no sleep. Where there is no attainment, you fall asleep or there is tiredness or laziness. Stay in the influence of attainment which is connected to churning throughout the day. Achcha. To all those who have sent messages of love and remembrance, Baba will definitely meet them in person anyway, but even now, BapDada is speaking whilst seeing in front of Him those who are sitting far away. You are even now in front of Him and will remain in front of Him always. Love and remembrance to everyone by name and in response to the news you have sent to Baba. Constantly maintain intense enthusiasm and make intense effort and whilst giving others vibrations for making intense effort, make the atmosphere one of intense effort - not just effort, but intense effort. You are not those who are walking, but those who are flying. The time for walking has now ended. So now fly and make others fly. Achcha. Blessing: May your mind be healthy and may you experience entertainment in your effort with new memories of fortune. In the last birth of Brahmin life, no matter how weak or ill someone may be physically, let everyone’s mind always be healthy; let it fly with zeal and enthusiasm. The sign of a powerful mind is that it is able to reach wherever it wants in a second. For this, constantly continue to sing songs of your fortune and continue to fly. At amrit vela, bring into your awareness all the new things connected with your fortune. Sometimes, keep the attainment of one thing in front of you, sometimes the attainment of something else, and there will be entertainment in your efforts; you will not get bored but will experience newness. Slogan: Perform every act considering its past and its future and you will continue to achieve success. #brahmakumari #english

  • 10 May 2018 BK murli today in English

    Brahma Kumaris murli today in English for 10 May 2018 - BapDada - Madhuban - Essence: Sweet children, forget whatever you see with your eyes. Forget all bodily beings and practise remembering the bodiless Father. Question: Why are the mouths of you children sweetened with knowledge and not with devotion? Answer:1. On the path of devotion, people say that God is omnipresent. By Him being called omnipresent, there is no longer the idea of the Father and the inheritance and this is why your mouths cannot be sweetened there. You children now say with love “Baba” and so the inheritance is remembered. This is why your mouths are sweetened with knowledge. 2. On the path of devotion, you have been playing with toys without any recognition and so how could your mouths be sweetened? Song: Salutations to Shiva. Om shanti. “Salutations to Shiva”, or even, “Namaste” can be said. One always says “Namaste” to one’s seniors. The intellects’ yoga of human beings is not connected to the Purifier Father. There is only the One who purifies the impure. They say to Him: Salutations to Shiva. It also enters your intellects that Shiva is incorporeal. If you had to salute Shankar, you would say, “Salutations to the deity Shankar.” To say “Salutations to Shiva” is separate from saying, “Salutations to the deity Shankar.” They say: Salutations to the deity Brahma. Brahma exists here. Until he becomes a resident of the subtle region he cannot be called a deity. Here, there is Prajapita, the Father of People. For as long as he is Prajapita and in a human body, he cannot be called a deity. Deities are those who reside in the subtle region or those who reside in the new world. This proves that while he is Prajapita at this time, he cannot be called a deity. You too are called Brahmins at this time. However, you are making effort to have divine intellects, that is, to become deities. The praise of the deities is: Full of all virtues… This cannot be the praise of Brahma, Vishnu or Shankar. The praise of all human beings is separate from that of deities. The President is the President and he has his own part, and the Prime Minister has his own part. Each one would have a different part in the drama. When you say “Salutations to Shiva” it is only to Shiv Baba that you say it. To say “Salutations to the deity Brahma and salutations to the deity Vishnu” is separate. You would not say that to Shiv Baba. You would say, Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, Shiva, to Him, because there is Shiva and the saligrams. They show the saligrams as small and Shiva as a large image. Baba has explained that no one can be smaller or larger. He is called the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, God, the Father. Why do they call Him that? Saligram souls call Shiva ‘Baba’ and so they would surely receive the inheritance from the Father because He is the Creator of heaven. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, must definitely have created the creation of the original eternal deity religion. No one else can create it. By that Father being called omnipresent, all name and trace of the inheritance is lost. They say that God is omnipresent , that He is present everywhere. The oath they take in His name is also false. They say: I consider God, the Father, to be present everywhere, so they don’t know the Father. You children know that God is now present here. Truly, He is the Supreme Soul. His praise is unique, different from the praise of everyone else. He truly is incorporeal and His name is Shiva. He never has a bodily name. All others have names of bodies. The names of their bodies change birth after birth. However, souls are souls. The names of human beings change. They would say: I am feeding a soul in the name of the departed soul, and so they remember that one. However, the body of that soul has been burnt and just the soul remains, so they feed the soul. Souls cannot be immune to the effect of action like they say. The Father sits here and explains: When someone sheds his or her body, the body is finished, so whom do they feed? Though they would feed the soul, they still have attachment to that body. Here, Baba says: You mustn’t have attachment to anyone’s body. Become complete destroyers of attachment. You have to remove all consciousness of bodies from your intellects. Whatever you now see with your eyes has to be forgotten. The Father says: Simply remember Me. I do not have a body and this is why there is difficulty. When someone gets engaged, she puts on an engagement ring. He is incorporeal and He doesn’t have an image. The engagement ring that you are given to wear is to remember incorporeal Shiv Baba. This is something new. When someone dies, you understand that he is finished. So, whom do they feed when they feed that departed soul? The soul definitely comes. The soul carries sanskars. Who said: This is salty and this is sweet? The soul says: I found this bitter. My ears are deaf. I have a headache. Who is saying that? People have forgotten this. The Father explains: The soul experiences happiness and sorrow. It is only the Father who is Abhogta (beyond the effect of experience). The Father Himself sits here and gives you the knowledge of souls. To say that a soul is the Supreme Soul is the greatest ignorance. Throughout the whole world, they say that God is omnipresent and so what would they gain by remembering Him? Devotees remember Him, but no one knows what can be received from Him. By calling Him omnipresent, there is no question of receiving anything. By following devilish directions, people have been falling down. Shrimat is of only the one Father. It is Ravan who gives you devilish directions and, by following his directions, people continue to cause sorrow for one another. You are now Godly community, those who give happiness to one another. The Father is the Bestower of Happiness to all. People call themselves the ‘Sarvodaya Leade r’ (Those who have mercy for all), but God alone is called the Master of All, the Creator. “Sarva” means those of the whole world. No human being would be called the Bestower of Salvation for the whole world. So the main thing is to remove the idea of omnipresence. Everyone remembers the Father. Devotees want God to come and give them something. The Father definitely did give something. If the Creator creates, He would definitely give something, would He not? Baba gives you the sovereignty of heaven. You mustn’t forget that Father. This takes effort. You children are now sensible and wise. Previously, you were very senseless. By calling the Father omnipresent, you don’t receive anything. First of all, the Father proves to you that He is the Supreme Father. The word ‘supreme’ is not used for a physical father. The Supreme Father is the One who resides in the supreme abode, the place beyond. He is the Supreme. Only He is the Seed of the human world. A father is a seed. He adopts a wife with whom he creates a creation. Shiv Baba says: I adopt this one. That is a physical creation whereas this creation is mouth born. This Brahma is My wife but he has the costume of a male. I adopt him. I give birth to you through the mouth of this one. You are already Shiv Baba’s children, but He has given you a new birth through Brahma. You say: You are the Mother and Father. That One is incorporeal. How could He be the Mother? A very subtle intellect is required to understand this. The Father is called the Creator and so how would He create? The one who is called Jagadamba, Saraswati, is remembered as the daughter of Brahma, a mouth-born creation. Therefore, should she be called the mother or should this one be called that? In reality, this one (sakar Brahma) is the mother but, since he has a male body, how could he be put in charge of the mothers? This is why Jagadamba has become the instrument for that. The Father says: I enter this one and adopt him. You then say: We have become the children of God through Brahma. God is our Dada (Grandfather). These things are not mentioned in the scriptures. All of those are toys of devotion. People’s mouths are not sweetened with toys. Here, you have the temptation of receiving your inheritance from the Father. By calling Him omnipresent, no one’s mouth is sweetened. Everywhere in the world they have the idea of omnipresence. At this time, remembrance of Me is only in the intellect of My children. So people have then written that I am omnipresent. All human beings remember Me but they don’t know Me and so they have changed the meaning so much. They have made a rope into a snake. The Father now says: Remember Me and no one else. This does not mean that I am omnipresent. You souls know that you remember Baba. So, there is a difference in the meaning of the word ‘omnipresence’. This too is the destiny of the drama and the same thing will happen again. It has to happen. Whatever act has taken place now, it was shot and it is called the drama. This drama is eternally predestined and there cannot be any difference in it. According to the drama, the pictures etc. have been made through the children. This one himself says: I didn’t know anything at all. The Father has now given me divine vision. He is the Bestower of divine vision. He continues to inspire new pictures to be made. Once one has been made, a new point is given and so the picture has to be corrected. You definitely have to write the word ‘Prajapita’ in front of the word ‘Brahma’, otherwise people won’t understand anything. It is said: mouth-born creation. Therefore, you become his children. The children of Brahma are Brahmins. You children know that you are the children of Brahma and of Shiva in a practical way. The first thing is the Father and the inheritance, so your mouth should then be sweetened. The Father is the Creator of heaven and so you should definitely receive that inheritance. If someone doesn’t claim it, you can understand that he doesn’t belong to your deity religion. Only those who are to claim a deity status will come and understand. The main thing is purity. There cannot be Raksha Bandhan (bond of protection) without remaining pure. You promise the Father: Baba, how can we come to You without remaining pure? You will definitely become elevated by following shrimat. You would not become that in the golden age. You definitely have to become that in the iron age. Only when it is the confluence of the end of the iron age and the beginning of the golden age, that is, only at the confluence age does the Father come and give you children the inheritance of heaven. The name of Bharat is greatly glorified. It is Bharat that becomes the land of truth and the land of falsehood. There won’t be any other lands in the golden age. All other lands are perishable. This is the imperishable land because the eternal Father has come once again. The activity of establishment of the religion that has taken place will take place again after a cycle. The Father gives you such an inheritance. He is the most beloved Father. While living at home with your family, all of you who belong to the family path definitely have to become pure. The religion of sannyasis, of those who belong to the path of isolation, is separate. In fact, there are many other different religions. They will not go to heaven. Those who belonged to our religion and have been converted to other religions will emerge. You have now received so much knowledge. Your third eye has opened. You are becoming trikaldarshi. No human beings apart from you Brahmins, are trikaldarshi. Even deities are not trikaldarshi. The Father says: I give each of you a third eye and enable you to see. You children know that your third eye is now opening. Just as the Father has the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the whole world, in the same way, we, who are His children, have received the knowledge from Baba. This means that we are becoming master oceans of knowledge. No one else would be called a master ocean of knowledge. However, neither can you be called oceans of knowledge; you are rivers of knowledge. It isn’t that Arjuna shot an arrow and the Ganges emerged, nor does water emerge from a Gaumukh (the mouth of a cow). How could the Ganges come there? There is a vast difference between you with two arms and the Jagadamba they have shown with four to six arms. You children have to explain a great deal. Some children say that they are unable to remember Baba, that they don’t consider themselves to be souls and that they repeatedly forget. How can you receive your inheritance if you don’t remember the Father? Baba says: Constantly remember Me alone and your sins will be absolved with that power of yoga. If you don’t remember Baba you won’t be able to sit on Mama and Baba’s throne. Such ones would be called unworthy. Worthy children continue to make a lot of effort to remember the Father constantly. You have to do that till the end. The more you remember the Father, the more you earn. Keep your chart. Those who take the initiative are Arjuna. Only such souls are called heirs. Achcha. To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for dharna: Give one another happiness according to Godly directions. Never cause anyone sorrow. Become a bestower of happiness, the same as the Father. Remove your attachment from those bodies and become a destroyer of attachment. Become a worthy child and make effort to remember the Father constantly. Blessing: May you wear an imperishable tilak of sovereignty and experience the confluence-aged sovereignty by handing over everything to the Father. Nowadays, sovereignty is received either by donating money or through votes, but the Father Himself has given you each of you children the tilak of the kingdom. To be a carefree emperor is such a good stage. Since you have handed over everything to the Father, who would be concerned about everything? The Father. However, let it not be that you also keep a little authority or the dictates of your own mind hidden away somewhere in yourself. If you are following shrimat, you have handed over everything to the Father. Such children who hand over everything to the Father with their true hearts remain double light and have the imperishable tilak of sovereignty. Slogan: Let each version be a great elevated version. When no word goes to waste you would then be called a master satguru. #brahmakumari #english

  • 29 May 2018 BK murli today in English

    Brahma Kumaris murli today in English - 29/05/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, make effort using the force of 20 nails and claim your full inheritance from the Father. Imbibe this knowledge and inspire others to imbibe it. Question: By knowing the value of which aspect can you children become instruments to benefit many? Answer: The Father has had many beautiful medals (badges) made for you. You children should value them a lot. This badge is your true Gita. By using it, you can explain to anyone the secret of the beginning, the middle and the end of the world. You should always have this sign with you. Baba has had these things made with a lot of thought. They will be praised a great deal. Song: Mother o mother, you are the bestower of fortune! Om Shanti. You children heard the song because you are now sitting personally in front of Baba. You also know that the mother of all of you is Jagadamba. However, not the whole world is able to recognise her. It is only in Bharat that they have the picture of Jagadamba and her praise is here too. Abroad, there is greater praise of Shiva because He is the Father of all. Here, there is Jagadamba. Who gave birth to Jagadamba? It would definitely be said that the One who created Jagadamba is the unlimited Father. The mother came later. There is so much praise of the mother. All of you are also mothers. It is said: Salutations to the mothers! Kumaris then become mothers. So, this is the praise of Jagadamba. You children know the full biography of Jagadamba. When you go to the Jagadamba Temple, you would say: All of these are now sitting in the living form. Especially Mama is praised on Wednesday. Shiv Baba's day is Monday. He is also called Somnath (The Lord of Nectar). On Mondays, people pour a small urn (of water or milk) on Shiva. This urn should be poured every day. Why should it be Mondays in particular? Some days are fixed. You understand the meaning of that. Why is He given the names ‘Rudra’, ‘Somnath’, ‘Shrinath’? You children know that the Babul tree has thorns on it. It is only the Father who changes thorns into flowers. You now understand the meaning of that. The whole praise is of Bharat. He only comes here. Christ is compared to Krishna. They make small forms of Christ. They also crown him, but he didn't receive a crown. Everyone praises their own religion. It is only those of the Hindu religion who don't praise it because they don't know their religion. This is why the Father says: They are irreligious. There is might in religion. We are not called those of the Hindu religion now. We are receiving so much power from Baba. So, this is Mama's praise. If it weren't for the Father, how would there be the Shiv Shaktis? The mothers would not have then become worthy of being saluted. God says: Salutations to the mothers! Sannyasis defame women, but their path of isolation is fixed in the drama. The Father comes and explains: That too is a good path. Religions are all good at first. All the new souls that come down are good; they make an impact. For example, there was Arbindo Ghose (1872-1950); he was praised so much! A small sect was established by him. Baba has explained: When new souls come, they come and establish their own sects and cults. For instance, there are the Arya Samajis. It has now been some time since Dayananda (1824-1883) existed. They are all the twigs and branches of the end. They are like mosquitoes that take birth and die. They do make their own impact. For instance, Chidakashi (a religious group) has existed for 100 years at the most. They have expanded so much! There is so much praise. Because those of the Hindu religion do not know themselves, some become converted to other religions. You now know that this drama is predestined and it repeats. Look how many different religions are established! Eventually, the world definitely has to become old. The Father says: I alone make it new. At this time, all are in their stage of total decay. It is now the end of the path of devotion and the beginning of knowledge. This knowledge doesn't continue in the golden age. Baba only gives knowledge once. Then there isn't any need for knowledge for 21 births. You will have received your inheritance from the Father by then. This study doesn't exist in the golden and silver ages. This imperishable study is studied with the eternal Father. You receive the fruit of this for 21 births. Whatever people study is for temporary happiness for one birth. Then they don't have to study. Each one creates his reward of happiness. In worldly relationships, only sons receive an inheritance from their father or grandfather. Here, Baba says: Both males and females can claim their inheritance from Me, according to the effort they make; it is numberwise. (Today, BapDada brought a basketful of various flowers from the garden into the gathering) Look, this flower is Mama. A sitar is also given to Saraswati. For Baba, this rose is fine. Each one of you can also understand how fragrant you are. Shiv Baba is the Master of the Garden; we are His gardeners. Only the one Baba is the Master of the Garden. You know that Baba is making us into flowers. The greatness is not of Jagadamba or Jagadpita. The greatness is of Shiv Baba. If it weren't for Him, they couldn't be praised. It is by remembering Shiv Baba that you receive such a high status. He is God, the Highest on High. He resides in the supreme abode. OK, they say: Goddess Lakshmi and God Narayan. Where do they reside? They are residents of the human world. Who made them so elevated? You are now becoming that. The Creator of the world is truly the Father. God and goddess become the surnames. For instance, when someone becomes a barrister through a barrister, his surname becomes Barrister. Lakshmi and Narayan are the emperor and empress. First of all, they have to become a prince and princess. So Lakshmi and Narayan are the highest of all in the human world. “Shri Shri 108 Jagadguru” is the praise of Shiv Baba. The rosary of 108 is created. That rosary is the highest of all. That is then remembered as the rosary of Vishnu. There is also the rosary of Rudra. Then, the rosary of Rudra becomes the rosary of Vishnu. The rosary of Rudra and the rosary of the devotees are remembered. No one knows the meaning of them. There is a religious book for those of the rosary of devotees, whereas there is the Gita for those in the rosary of Rudra. So, the Father sits here and explains everything very clearly. Baba has had these pictures made in order for you to explain to others. Baba has also had lockets made. On one side is the Trimurti and on the other side is Krishna. This picture is very good. You can do a lot of service using it. You receive a prize from the Government. Baba made effort and had these lockets made for you; they are first class things. Show people this locket and tell them: Come and we will tell you the secret of the whole world through this. We can make you trikaldarshi, trilokinath and the masters of the world. It enters your intellects that the knowledge in them (the lockets) is very good. We give you the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the world through these: who rules in the golden age and who rules in the silver age. I make you into spinners of the discus of self-realisation through which you will then become rulers of the globe. Baba has now come and is once again giving you the divine third eye of knowledge. We truly were with Baba in the incorporeal world. These things cannot remain in the intellect of anyone else. Whatever you are taught is new. Although there is that Gita, we do not take that up. Otherwise, they would say: You only take up things from the Gita that suit you. Baba knows that some children are very good and serviceable. There are many in the army. This one is in the Pandava Army. The Father says: Such-and-such a child is very good. He himself imbibes knowledge and also inspires others to do the same. You have to claim your inheritance from the Father by applying the force of 20 nails. Otherwise, there will be great repentance. There will be a special tribunal for you children. You will be given visions. Look, so much was explained to you! On the path of devotion, you have been singing birth after birth: I will surrender myself to You and I will remember You alone. You now understand the meaning of that. You also used to say: God gives everything. Then, when God takes their child back, they begin to insult God. They say: You are this and You are that. You also cause sorrow. They say of the One who gives happiness that He causes sorrow! Therefore, the unlimited Father explains: You have become so senseless! Baba explains to you so clearly! The knowledge in the locket is very good. It has the essence of all the Vedas and scriptures. However, children don't give that much importance to the locket. They don't have such far-sighted, broad intellects. There is an image of the Trimurti on the locket and beneath the image it is written: Godfatherly birthright. They say: God, the Father, the Supreme Father. They definitely say "Father". Father means that we are His children. Devotees are children of God. It isn't that devotees are God. They have brought God on to the path of devotion. So, in that case, who would give those on the path of devotion the fruit of their devotion? However, none of them can understand anything unless it is explained to them. Hardly anyone can understand anything from the literature. You can explain using the lockets. This is the Highest on High, God, the Father. We can tell you the secrets of the life of God, the Father. What task does God, the Father of All, carry out due to which He is called the Father? Then, Brahma and Saraswati are called Adam and Eve and Adam and Bibi. God, the Father, creates creation through them. That God, the Father, is the Father of all souls. This one is Prajapita and we souls are his imperishable children. So then, as you come into the cycle, this one is Prajapita Brahma who is called the great-great-grandfather. Shiva cannot be called the great-great-grandfather. Shiva is just called the Father. He is the Father of all souls. When the genealogical tree of the human world is created, first of all, there are Brahma and Saraswati and then there is further growth through them. The Highest on High is the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. The deity religion is established by Him. Then the other religions are established, numberwise. Brahma is always shown as an old man. He is the great-great-grandfather. You children know that Shiv Baba has made you belong to Him through Brahma. We are now claiming our unlimited inheritance from Him. The agent receives his commission by making effort. It is sung: You found the Satguru through the agent. You cannot say this for sannyasis. They don’t know about these things. The Father sits here and explains this. This should sit in the intellects of you children. You can explain: There are so many of us Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. The name of Prajapita Brahma is well known. Baba has had many good cards printed. All the knowledge is included on them. These things are made with so much thought put into them, but they are not valued that much. Those in the military who receive medals wear them. You just have the one medal. They have different inscriptions on their medals. Here, you just have the one inscription. You should show them your card and sit down there and explain to them. The time will also come when there will be a lot of praise of your medals and cards. Baba continues to explain to you very clearly. Some children ask: Baba, how can I have yoga? You have been given an aim. You have to claim your inheritance from your Grandfather. Not everyone in a family would receive an inheritance. Here, everyone has a right. Look how, in the beginning, whole trees (families) came. Then, from those trees, the legs of some were cut off and the arms of others were cut off. However, those who were to become Brahmins are claiming their inheritance. It isn't that the tree will not go to heaven. It will go there, but those who study well will become part of the rosary of victory and the rest will become subjects. Yes, amongst the subjects too, those who want to become wealthy can be shown the way. You can also become one of the very wealthy subjects. Some subjects have even more property than the kings. From the copper age, when kings have a shortage, they take loans from the wealthy. Achcha.To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Baba has come to give us our inheritance. Therefore, apply the full force of 20 nails and definitely claim your full inheritance from the Father. 2. By having remembrance of Shiv Baba, become a fragrant flower and also make others that. Be far-sighted and have a broad intellect and do very good service using the locket. Blessing: May you remain carefree by having faith in the intellect and the awareness of Karavanhar and being a constantly carefree emperor. Brahmin life means to be a carefree emperor. Father Brahma became a carefree emperor and sang the song “I have attained what I wanted; what else remains now?” Whatever work of service remains, Karavanhar is making it happen and will continue to do so. When you always have the awareness that the Father becomes Karavanhar and makes everything happen through us, you will then become carefree. You have the faith that this task has to happen and is already accomplished and you therefore have faith in the intellect; you remain free from any worries and carefree. Slogan: In order to step away from all your weaknesses, imbibe an attitude of unlimited disinterest. #english #Murli #bkmurlitoday #brahmakumari

  • English - BK murli today 2 May 2018

    02/05/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban Sweet children, first of all, have mercy on yourselves. Then, it is your duty to show your family the true way to go to heaven. Therefore, make full effort to make them worthy too. Question: On the basis of which race will you become the masters of Shivalaya? Answer: Follow the Mother and Father. Make a promise of purity for just one birth. Remove your heart from hell. Shiv Baba is establishing Shivalaya for you where you will rule in the living form. By remembering the Father and heaven while at your business you will receive the tilak of sovereignty, that is, you will become the masters of Shivalaya. Song: You are the Mother and Father. Om Shanti You have to say something or other: “Om shanti” or “Salutations to Shiva”. They say "Salutations to the Supreme Soul" whereas we say "Om shanti". This is giving the introduction of the self and of the Father. Those devotees sing the praise: “You are the Mother and Father…”, whereas you are the children. The Father, whom devotees praise on the path of devotion, is personally sitting here in front of you today. He definitely was in front of you and is now once again sitting personally in front of you. Only you children now know these things. Devotees don't know this. You children know that there is only the one Father who is praised. That Father is giving you children so much happiness that you won't become unhappy again for 21 births. You are personally sitting in front of such a Father. You know that He is your unlimited Father and that He is now serving to give us the happiness of heaven. The Father always creates the children, serves them and makes them worthy. It is as though the Father becomes a slave of the children. A physical father also makes so much effort to sustain his children. Day and night, he is concerned to serve his children and make them worthy. He is the slave of a limited creation whereas this One is the unlimited Father. This One also says: Children, follow fully and become the masters of heaven by claiming your full inheritance. You always have to have mercy for children. A sensible father would say: Why should I not enable the children to earn this true income with me? Physical sustenance has been given to physical children for half the cycle. They sustained the children, brought them up and made them worthy. They made wills for the children, then shed their bodies and took other births. Those are limited fathers whereas this One is the unlimited Father. Those are limited Brahmas. They create creations and then become their slave. They have to work very hard to ensure that their children don't become spoilt through bad company and defame their name. However, that is temporary happiness. They don’t know whether their children will turn out to be worthy or unworthy. Some are so unworthy that they completely ruin everything. They completely waste their father’s wealth. This is why there has to be great caution. The unlimited Father is so concerned. He says: You claim your inheritance and also give the inheritance to your creation. However, even then, if the children are unworthy, they disobey the Father. The Father says: “Study” but they don't study; they don't become pure. Scarcely a few, a handful out of multimillions, emerge who are obedient. You receive shrimat here. “You are the Mother and Father.” This is praise of just the One. However, because of not knowing, people say in front of Krishna and Lakshmi and Narayan: You are the Mother and Father. That too is blind faith. Lakshmi and Narayan experience their reward. They have their own children. How can we call them the Mother and Father? In fact, this praise belongs to only the One. You heard in the song: The Highest on High is Shiv Baba. He is the Bestower of Salvation for All. He is the One who takes everyone to the land of peace and the land of happiness. Therefore, you must definitely follow the shrimat of such a Father. They understand that it is only from the Mother and Father that they receive a lot of happiness for 21 births. However, hardly anyone follows such shrimat. You receive a very elevated inheritance. The Father says: I have brought heaven on the palm of My hand for you children. You will become worthy when you follow shrimat. You have to take shrimat at every step. If you don't follow His directions, you won't be able to claim a high status. There was the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan in heaven. No one knows this. Previously, we also used to say: So-and-so became a resident of heaven. Or, when a sannyasis died, they would say that he merged into the light. However, no one goes there. Only the one Father is the Bestower of Liberation and Liberation-in-life. No one can go back until He comes. That is the incorporeal world. Incorporeal souls and the incorporeal Father reside there and that is also called the supreme abode. Those who have arrogance of science understand that they take birth here and die here too, just like mosquitoes. No one knows about the world cycle. No one can understand anything from the notion of omnipresence. You have now found the Father. He says: Children, now return home. I have come to take everyone back exactly as in the previous cycle. You souls have a lot of alloy in you. All souls and their bodies have become iron aged. They have to become satopradhan once again. When you souls were satopradhan, the world was golden aged. Pure souls had bodies that were like pure gold; they were called real jewellery. Look what they have become now. Not even one per cent real gold remains now. Alloy has been mixed in. The Father now says: Simply remember Me, your Father, and you will continue to become real gold and the soul will begin to fly. The wings are now broken. You will attain a status according to how much effort you make. This study is so elevated. God speaks: I teach you Raja Yoga through which you become the kings of kings. You will become worthy of being worshipped by even the kings who are worshippers and who indulge in vice. It is remembered: You are worthy of worship and you become a worshipper yourself. You know that you were worthy-of-worship deities and that you then became moon-dynasty worthy of worship. We become worthy of worship and worshippers. The Father comes and makes us worthy of worship from worshippers. There is now victory for knowledge. The night of Brahma and the Brahma Kumars and Kumaris is now coming to an end. Those who study the scriptures do not know when the night begins. The day of Brahma is the golden and silver ages. The night begins in the copper age. All of these things are in the intellects of you children. Having completed our 84 births we will once again experience our fortune of the kingdom. This knowledge will not remain in the golden age. There, there is the reward. There, too, you receive your inheritance from your father. However, that is the reward of this time that you receive for 21 births. The whole play is based on Bharat. The kingdom of deities that existed in the golden age has now become devilish. There is the rule of the people over the people. The Father says: Children, hear no evil, see no evil… They show an image of monkeys. At present, humans have become like monkeys. This is why they show the faces of monkeys, but it applies to this time. This is called the extreme depths of hell. They continue to sting one another like scorpions. Children even kill their father. Maya has made everyone dirty. Bharat was heaven and it is now hell. The 84 births are those of the people of Bharat. The Father says: I explain so much to you. He says: I am your most obedient Father, Father-Servant, Teacher-Servant and Guru-Servant. I have now come. Guides too are servants of the pilgrims; they show them the path. I have now become the Guide to take you children to heaven. I liberate you. History will definitely repeat. In the Granth, it says: I am the Truth and that which is true will take place… God is incorporeal. This is the praise of God. On the one hand, they say that He is beyond birth (ajoni) and, on the other hand, they say that He is omnipresent. Wherever I look, I only see You. We have come here to enjoy ourselves. Many people say this. The Father now says: Children, all of those things will make you drown. The notion of omnipresence drowns you. The Father explains so much to you. Some very quickly have the faith that they have to claim their inheritance from the Father. You cannot find another Father as sweet as this One. It is the Father who establishes heaven. Only when we find the Father do we become the masters of heaven. You should quickly make such a Father belong to you. I want the children who belonged to Me in the previous cycle; they are the ones who will come and become worthy or unworthy as they did in the previous cycle. The responsibility for the mother and the children is with the Father, the Creator. It is also His duty to make the children into the masters of heaven. First of all, have mercy on yourself. It isn't that Baba gives blessings, otherwise everyone would become Lakshmi or Narayan! This is a big examination. Only eight win the scholarship. Then, there are the 108. There is a lottery. The Father says: Forget your body and all bodily relations. Consider yourself to be bodiless and have the faith that you a soul. It isn't that you are God. They say that each soul becomes the Supreme Soul. They believe that a soul will merge into the Supreme Soul and that, until he merges into Him, a soul cannot be called the Supreme Soul. However, no one merges into the Supreme Soul. This drama is eternally predestined. There are five to six billons actors. All actors have received their own parts which they have to play. Every soul has an immortal part recorded in him. No one but the Father can explain to you. The Father comes and gives you children the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end and makes you trikaldarshi. In pictures, they show deities with a third eye. In fact, neither deities nor shudras have a third eye. Only you Brahmins have the third eye of knowledge with which you know the occupation of everyone. You know the condition of the land of truth and of the land of falsehood. Among you, too, it is numberwise according to the efforts you make. This is a school. There is no question of blind faith here. Continue to do your business etc. Simply remember your Father and heaven and the tilak of the sovereignty will be applied to you. It is the soul that remembers. The sanskars are in the soul. Baba speaks to souls: I am your Father. You claimed your inheritance in the previous cycle too. You ruled the sun-dynasty kingdom and you then went into the moon dynasty. The degrees continued to decrease as you became merchants and then shudras. You are now aware that the play is coming to an end. Constantly remember Me alone and your sins will be absolved. If you don't follow shrimat but become body conscious, you will be hurt. Then the omens of Jupiter will change and omens of Rahu will come. If you divorce the Father, you will become a resident of extreme hell. The Father says: If you want to claim a high status, then race. If you claim a high status now, you will claim it every cycle. Simply promise to remain pure for one birth and you will become the masters of heaven for 21 births. Now remove your heart from hell. Shiv Baba is establishing Shivalaya for you where you will rule as living deities. So, do you want to become a master of Shivalaya? Follow the Mother and Father. Whatever they have is all for you children. You are the ones who will become kings. You were that. You have now become beggars. It is not a question of those of other religions. It is those who belonged to the deity religion who have been converted into other religions. This is why the population of Hindus has declined. Otherwise, the population of Bharat should be the largest. God is teaching you. Therefore, you should pay so much attention. This is a very wonderful study. Old ones, children and young ones are all studying here. Even those who are ill can study. If you don't remember the Father and the inheritance, Maya will slap you. You should write in blood: I will remember Baba day and night. I will hold on to Baba's hand very tightly. I will do whatever Baba says. Shiv Baba says: Look after your children; give two handfuls for Shiv Baba's service from whatever is left and, in return for that, the reward you receive will be equal to what a wealthy person would receive by giving a hundred thousand. You receive the instant practical fruit. Achcha. To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for Dharna: 1. Forget your body and all bodily relations and practise becoming a bodiless soul. Take shrimat from the Father and follow it at every step. 2. Pay full attention to the study. Have the determined thought: I will remember Baba alone day and night and I will definitely do that which Baba tells me to do. Hear no evil, see no evil. Blessing: May you have a right to double fruit by considering yourself to be a server while doing service and performing any duty. While carrying out any task, going to the office or running your business, always have the awareness that you are performing that duty for service. I am doing this for the sake of service. Service will then automatically come to you and the more service you do, the more your happiness will increase. Of course, you will accumulate for your future and you will also receive the instant fruit of happiness. So, you will claim a right to double fruit. If your intellect is busy in remembrance and service, you will constantly continue to eat that fruit. Slogan: Those who are constantly happy are loved by themselves and by others. #brahmakumari #english

  • 9 May Essence of Murli today in English

    Brahma Kumaris essence of bk murli today in English for 9 May 2018 - BapDada -Madhuban - Sweet children, in order to make Bharat into heaven, have loving intellects at the time of destruction and promise to remain pure. This is how you help the Father. Q- What is the main basis of learning the spiritual drill of the power of yoga? A- In order to do this drill, you have to break your intellect's yoga away from everyone else. Break away from everyone else and connect yourself to the one Father. Only when you have true love for the One can you perform this spiritual drill. This is the power of yoga with which you claim a kingdom of the world for 21 births. D- 1. While performing the drill of the power of yoga, become non-violent instruments to benefit everyone._________2. Make a true bargain with the Father, the Innocent Lord. Give Him all your old rubbish and claim your fortune of the kingdom of heaven. Break your love away from the old world and connect it to the one Father. V- May you be a master bestower of happiness and by staying in imperishable supersensuous joy give everyone happiness and receive happiness.______“Supersensuous joy” means imperishable, soul-conscious happiness. The senses are perishable and so the happiness received from them would also be perishable. Therefore, constantly stay in supersensuous joy and there cannot then be any name or trace of sorrow. If others cause you sorrow, do not take it. Your slogan is: Give happiness and receive happiness. Do not take sorrow, do not cause sorrow. If someone does cause you sorrow, transform it and give them happiness in return. Make that one happy and you will then be said to be a master bestower of happiness. S- Instead of speaking too much and wasting your energy, experience an introspection and taste its sweetness.

  • Madhuban, Mount Abu Accommodation

    Accommodation at Mount Abu (madhuban) - requirements & procedure - How can you stay at the main centre (ashram) of Brahma Kumaris Godly Spiritual University? Know everything in details on this article post. Madhuban is the place of Godly experiences. This is the place where our long lost and now found spiritual father (Shiv Baba) played a part of speaking the knowledge (Murli) through the corporeal medium of Prajapita Brahma. Later, the Avyakt Murlis were also spoken here through medium of Dadi Gulzar. ✿ NOTE: Before you begin, if you are new in the Yagya (Brahma Kumaris), please first visit our ABOUT US page to get an introduction (Very important) Index Skip to content: Short Stay Visit as Individual Procedure for short stay Book a Room Long Stay Surrender Letter ➔ Mount Abu is a Karmabhumi (place of performing great karma/deeds) of the Supreme being. In ancient texts also, much is written about Mount Abu, located in the Arravali mountain ranges. In the Sakar days (till 1969), much of the places where rocks and jungle. But now it has been transformed into residence and beautiful gardens. The below is a picture of Tapasya Dham, located in Shantivan, Mount Abu (where Brahman souls around the world gathers for deep meditation (Yog / penance). As you may know, the Madhuban (forest of honey) is the central place for all brahmins (BKs), the Tapasya bhumi (place of penance) and it is the highest hermitage (ashram). Many of us, since we came in Gyaan (since our spiritual birth) have come and visited Mount Abu. But for those who just came (new students), and wish to know the direction or procedure to come visit OR stay in madhuban for a short time or to surrender in yagya (permanent), here are the following points to be noted: Requirements for a Stort Stay If you only wish to come for a short visit, it is straight forward. You may visit any day of the year with or without family. All you need to do is "book a room" at our FREE accommodation campus. Note: You can book a room directly via phone call, or through a nearby local BK centre. ➥If you do not book a room at our campus, you can stay at a nearby hotel and travel to madhuban centre. ➥Before you visit madhuban, we highly recommend you to take our 7 days RajYoga course. We have Online Course system if you cannot visit a BK centre. ➥Even without taking course, you may come for a spiritual retreat experience. Please read the procedure carefully. ✱Procedure There are three ways you can visit mount abu center - for Rajyog course, for a Spiritual seminar/retreat, with the turn at specific dates (during Avyakt Milan programs/days) OR at your own day and time with your family as a short visit. ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. With regional turns (state wise) There are different turns in which all the states of India are covered. Turn by turn, the BK brother and sisters of particular states are welcomed to stay in madhuban for 1 week. This happens for the entire year during the dates of Avyakt Milan (2022-23) ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 2. For course and Seminar At madhuban, we occasional arrange for 7 days course (Pradarshani) and spiritual seminars for doctors, engineers, kids, schools and college teachers and those who are invited are given free stay and satvik (pure & natural) food. For this, there are no requirements. However the spiritual museum in Pandav Bhawan is always open to all for the 7 days course. ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 3. Individual and with family If someone wish to come on their own date, they can also come. They need a letter written by their regional centre (with their name and details) saying that the brother or sister is a BK (in Gyan) since this many months or years, and have been living with purity and is regular in attending the Murli classes held at that centre. NOTE: You will require this letter if you wish to stay in madhuban as an individual. If you could not arrange for such a letter, still you can enter the Mount Abu campus as a visitor. For more information, please reach the information desk (reception) at Pandav Bhawan. How to Book the stay (a room)? Shantivan complex and Manmohini complex are made for accommodation for visitors. We have plenty of space and you live in the shadow of Almighty father Shiv baba. While Gyan Sarovar is only for Samarpit (surrendered) BKs. You can book your 'short stay' with a phone call to any of the below accommodation house authority of madhuban. ✦Telephone mainlines: 02974-238788 (BK Naresh, Gyan Sarovar Accommodation) (+91) 94141 51111 (Om Shanti Bhawan /Pandav Bhawan) (+91) 999 934 4666 (Shantivan Accommodation telephone) (+91) 94140 03041 (Gyan Sarovar) Requirements for a Long Stay (or Permanent) 1. You must have become a regular Godly student and are a follower of all principles and guidelines set according to the shrimat of murli. You should be in Gyaan for at least 5 years. NOTE: Main day to day life principles that we follow includes: Amritvela meditation, morning Murli class (or listen/reading Murli at home), eating Sattvik food ( clean, simple made food without onion/garlic ), evening Yog (meditation) and giving Sakash to the world souls (refer: What is Sakash?) ( The teacher-in-charge of your local BK centre will write this in the letter that you will bring to Mount Abu ) 2. Being a Godly student, you would be listening or reading the murli regularly via any means (going to a local centre, via internet, PMTV, etc.). Murli of beloved Supreme father (Shiv baba) is food for the soul that is the source of spiritual energy and inspirations for Purusharth (self upliftment) and world service. (Refer source: What is Murli?) 3. You took a vow of purity in this last birth. Purity is our main subject and is the MUST requirement of anyone who wishes to stay in Madhuban for long time or to Surrender in yagya permanent. It is the main quality of a brahman soul, hence if you wish to stay in Madhuban (garden of God), then you must be living a life with complete celibacy in terms of the shrimat given by Shiv baba to us. ✪ All above are requirements to describe yourself as a godly student. You are welcome to come and experience a 'divine' atmosphere which connects one to his inner self. Here is the Surrender Letter (Samarpan Patra) you will have to accept and fill, and sign. Then you can keep the letter safe with yourself. Surrender Letter (English) समर्पण पत्र (Hindi version) Song: Baba Mujhe Apne Madhuban Me Bula Lo You are now welcome to Madhuban, the sweet forest of honey, the home and a personal garden of Allah (god/Ishwar) Useful Links Madhuban, Mount Abu tour Videos How to Join the Yagya - Guidelines Centre Locator (India- *New*) Our 4 Subjects of spiritual study General Articles - Hindi & English BK Google - A Divine Search Engine for BKs

  • What is Shrimat given in Murli?

    What is Shrimat of Shiv Baba? - Here is an essence of guide book to understand. To access Hindi version, visit Shiv Baba ki 108 Shrimat. Soul is the master of 5 senses (eyes, mouth, ears, nose and hands). It is Baba's shrimat to control these senses - this is RajYog (Yog with ParamAtma/Supreme soul, through which a soul become a master of all its senses) Baba always says, “Children, follow Shrimat.” So what is the Shrimat (advice of Godfather Shiv)? Shrimat is not a set of rules but a system or way of living in the world without any type of violence. There are 2 types of violence: 1. Physical violence: Hurting someone's body with a stick or so. 2. Lust violence: Hurting the soul with the vice of lust/impurity. ''Lust is your greatest enemy'' - God says. This vice took away your kingdom, took away peace from life. Hence the first shrimat of Shiv baba is: ''Become Pure''. Brahmacharya means only physical celibacy. But Baba teahes ''complete celibacy.'' Please refer: Celibacy - A way of life Shrimat is advice of Shiv baba. 'Shri' itself means 'best or most elevated'. It takes a lot of wisdom to be able to do this. It also keeps us from creating more karmic debts. Deep knowledge and Yoga is for settling our debts, which is what we really want. This is why Brahma Baba’s life was so incredible. Each and every action had wisdom behind it. His life teaches us how to live, how to dance the beauty of life. Through the study of Raja Yoga Meditation we souls become familiar with 'matt'(some directions) matters that is - 1. MANMAT - The dictates/directions of one's own mind 2. PARMAT - The dictates/directions of someone else's mind 3. SHRIMAT - The elevated directions of God. The Benefits of Shrimat The sanskaras of this alokik(new birth considered after god finds you) birth are pulling us towards the land of peace. Be an observer of the self and see how, peaceful and cool you are. If you are cool you automatically have love for God. When water. boils steam comes out. When the thoughts boil and bubble out of the mind, what state would the soul be in and what atmosphere would it create? Baba is creating heaven, but we need to help by spreading peace throughout the whole world through the power of remembrance. People these days are afraid of dying a violent death. We shouldn’t live in fear, but we should have caution not to make mistakes or create misunderstandings. Be cautious and sensible. This is Baba’s shrimat. Live peacefully by remembering Baba. Sit and write down what is shrimat and what is the benefit of it. WHEN YOU FOLLOW SHRIMAT BABA IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO. BABA WILL THEN PUT RIGHT LITTLE ERRORS, WHICH THE SOUL WOULDN’T NORMALLY DO. If you are always following manmat, how can Baba help? He helps those who are honest and faithful. If you only give to support to those you are attached to, and don’t bother with anyone else, thenhow can Baba give you support? YOU Should Not BE DEPENDENT ON ANY BODILY BEINGS. When the soul becomes light through knowledge and yoga, you are able to fly. Seeing one bird fly, all the birds begin to fly, THEY PICK UP THE VIBRATION. Everything is dependent on the vibrations we are creating. Have vibrations filled with the power of love. Seeing me fly, others will have the desire to fly also. Shrimat makes us very light, so that we don’t need to think about anything. We don’t have to do anything else. When Baba makes us instruments, then the whole task is already accomplished. He makes us instruments so that we can create our fortune. If you make your illness an excuse, you make it a mountain by thinking about it. Let your thoughts be pure and elevated. Baba fills power in such thoughts. Everything will be dependent on those thoughts. Our attitude has to be very pure and clean. Cleanse your sanskaras. WHATEVER YOU THINK AGAIN AND AGAIN CREATES YOUR SANSKARAS. If your sanskaras are those of a child of God and you live to do his service, then you feel that this is your godly family. No matter how much you are engaged in service or yoga, you won’t be successful if you don’t feel that this is your godly family. They are all part of this family, all are equal to God. If you don’t do this work for Baba, of maintaining a pure vision and attitude, then you are no use to Baba. Even if someone is thinking ill of you, by giving good vibrations, you finish whatever was in souls towards you. If you can’t spread peace in a small gathering, how can you be called a peaceful soul? Sit and make your self peaceful, cool and sweet. Your tone should always be very sweet and lovely. Drink nectar and give it to others. People live in fear, but we live in comfort with no fear and no grudges towards anyone. A feeling of having a grudge won’t allow you to have love for God, to belong to God or to feel that He is your companion. Shiv Baba's Shrimat makes us BK souls pass with honors all the exam papers of life easily. If i really want to ' Pass with Honors ' let me concentrate on all the 4 subjects -* My personal study - GYAN,* My obedience to inculcation - DHARNA,* My surrendered intellect for service - SEVA,* And above all my constant attention on Baba's sweet remembrance - YAAD . None but ONE Shivbaba! One support, One faith, One trust in BABA alone - Ek BABA Doosra Na Koi... Om Shanti. Useful links 108 points of Shrimat (PDF) What is Murli in BrahmaKumaris? Four Subjects of BK About Us - Introduction Online Services

  • ब्रह्मचर्य और पवित्र जीवन

    ब्रह्माकुमारी ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय से संपर्क में आने वाले मनुस्यो को यह प्रश्न रेहता ही है - की 'पवित्रता' जो यहाँ का मुख्य विषय है, उसका यथार्त अर्थ क्या है? क्या सिर्फ शरीर से ब्रह्मचर्य में रहना है? Tip: Read➤ English version of this article: Celibacy, A way of living ♪Listen this article (इस लेख को सुने)➤ Article Audio⇗ इस लेख में आप जानेंगे - पवित्रता का गुह्य अर्थ। ब्रह्मचर्य, जीवन जीने का तरीका दुनिया, ब्रह्मचर्य जीवन को एक कुमारी के रूप में समझती है। लेकिन यह केवल एक बाहरी जीवन शैली नहीं है, बल्कि जीवन जीने का एक तरीका है।  अब हम ईश्वरीय ज्ञान के माध्यम से यह समझ गए है की ब्रह्मचर्य अर्थात मन में पवित्रता (विचारों में), मुख में शुद्धता (हमारे शब्दों में) और भौतिक शरीर की पवित्रता (ब्रह्मचर्य होने) में है। पवित्रता या ब्रह्मचर्य का विषय अति सूक्ष्म है। अतः यदि कोई समझने और पूरी तरह से धारण करने की इच्छा रखता है, तो एक शब्द में पवित्रता का अर्थ है 'संपूर्ण आत्म चेतना'। राजयोग के अनुशासन में से पहला अनुशासन "ब्रह्मचर्य" का पालन है। ब्रह्माकुमारी व ब्रह्माकुमार जैसे ही आगे बढ़ते है, पवित्रता के मूल्य को समझते है और दुनिया में रहते हुए भी ब्रह्मचर्य जीवन को अपनाते है। ब्रह्मचर्य आत्मा को शुद्ध करने के लिए पहला कदम है। पवित्रता का व्रत, न केवल ब्रह्मचर्य का व्रत है, बल्कि यह हर विचार, वचन और कर्म में शुद्ध रहना है। कोई कह सकता है कि ब्रह्मचर्य स्वाभाविक रूप से आसान है। दूसरे कह सकते हैं, यह लगभग असंभव है। इस तरह से, जो लोग मानते हैं कि यह किसी तरह मुश्किल है, निश्चित रूप से वह भी अपना सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रयास कर सकते हैं। क्योंकि यह न भूले कि खुद भगवान ने हमें पवित्रता का संदेश दिया है। इस गुण (पवित्रता का) के बिना, कोई भी परमात्मा पर ध्यान के एक दिव्य अवस्था में प्रवेश नहीं कर सकता, जो और कुछ नहीं बस उनकी याद है। विचारों में पवित्रता हम वह है जो हम सोचते है। क्योंकि वही मैं स्वयं हूँ। मैं क्या और कैसा सोचता हूँ, वैसा ही मैं हूँ । इस सरल अनुभूति के साथ,  हम सभी नकारात्मक विचारों को जीतने या मन को मुक्त करने और अपनी पवित्रता की मूल स्थिति को पुनः स्थापित करने के उद्देश्य से ऐसा आध्यात्मिक पुरुषार्थ करते हैं। हम प्रयास कर और विचारों की दिशा को नियंत्रित कर सकते हैं। हाँ, निश्चित रूप से हम सोचना बंद नहीं कर सकते! लेकिन स्व-अनुभूति आत्मा को निर्देशित करता है, अपने मन और कर्मेन्द्रियों को वापस लेने के लिए। हम मन को मार्गदर्शन करेंगे कि कैसे सोचना है और कितना सोचना है। क्योंकि सकारात्मक सोच भी एक नियंत्रित तरीके से, एक स्वाभाविक तरीके से होनी चाहिए। विचारों में पवित्रता का विषय बहुत सूक्ष्म हैं। जब कोई संपूर्ण आत्म-चेतन अवस्था को प्राप्त करता है, जहाँ कोई अशुद्ध, कोई व्यर्थ विचार नहीं उभरता है, तभी यह 100% हो सकता है। यह अवस्था कई लोगों द्वारा राजयोग मैडिटेशन के नियमित और यथार्थ अभ्यास से प्राप्त की गयी है। शब्दों में पवित्रता यह निश्चित रूप से दिखता है और आसान है। फिर भी, कई लोग इसे बेहद मुश्किल पाते हैं। इसलिए यह समझा जाता है कि प्रत्येक आत्मा की एक अलग यात्रा है और इसलिए उनके विभिन्न प्रकार के संस्कार होते हैं (उनके कर्मों के आधार पर)। इसलिए, हम सभी दुनिया को अलग तरह से अनुभव करते हैं। जब शब्दों में पूर्ण दिव्यता होने की बात आती है, तो हम कहते हैं कि यह परिस्थिति पर निर्भर करता है। मगर, यह सवाल हमारा है। शब्द हमारी आंतरिक दुनिया, हमारी आंतरिक स्थिति को दर्शाता हैं। 'अगर मेरे भीतर की अवस्था दिव्य है, तो कोई भी बहार की बात, मुझे थोड़ा भी हिला नहीं सकती, लेकिन जब भीतर की दुनिया में हलचल हो, तो बाहर से थोड़ी ही बात हमें तोड़ने के लिए के लिए काफी होती है ’। कर्मेन्द्रियों पर नियंत्रण करने की शक्ति की आवश्यकता है। मुरली में बाबा कहते हैं: “अपने मुंह में कुछ रखो ताकि वह तुम्हारी अवज्ञा न करें  ”। अर्थात जब कोई परिस्थिति आती है और आपको लगता है कि यह टकराव का कारण बन सकता है, तो बस अपना मुख बंद करें और मुसकुराए। बाहर जो चल रहा है उसे भूल जाए और शांति के सागर में (ईश्वर) में डूब जाए। इसको भगवान, हमारे रूहानी बाप के साथ सीधा सम्बन्ध कहा जाता है। "मीठा बोलो, धीरे बोलो, कम बोलो" - हमने इसको अपना स्लोगन बना दिया है और इसका हम अपने जीवन में अभ्यास करते है। कर्म में पवित्रता पवित्रता से लिया गया सबसे साधारण अर्थ ‘ब्रह्मचर्य’ माना जाता है,  जिसका अर्थ है - जीवन का तरीका जिसमें कोई विवाहित या यौन-क्रिया से मुक्त रहना है, काम वासना के वश से और भौतिक जगत से स्वयं को अलग करता है। सामान्य शब्दों में, जिसे हम भारत (इंडिया) में सन्यास कहते हैं (ईश्वर की खोज में भौतिक दुनिया और पारिवारिक संबंधों का त्याग)। सूक्ष्म रूप में, पूर्ण ब्रह्मचर्य का अर्थ है अशुद्ध विचारों और दृष्टिकोण (वृत्ति) के संपर्क से बचना। बल्कि, यह शरीर के भान और उसके संबंधित 5 विकारों का त्याग है, न की संसार का। कर्म के बिना कोई रह नहीं सकता। "वह आत्मा जो शरीर और शरीर के भान से खुद को अलग करती है, जो सदा अपने कर्मेन्द्रियों का मालिक है, जो दुनिया की सेवा में सभी गतिविधियों को करते हुए साक्षी रहता है, वह मनुष्यों में सबसे श्रेष्ठ है।’’ - अव्यक्त मुरली और श्रीमत गीता। संक्षिप्त में समझे, तो कोई ये निष्कर्ष निकाल सकता है की पवित्रता अन्य सभी गुणों की जननी है। मन, वचन और विचारों में संपूर्ण और स्वाभाविक पवित्रता की चाबी है, आत्म-चेतना। इस अभ्यास के लिए , हमने हिंदी और अंग्रेजी दोनों भाषाओं में स्वमान कमेंटरीज़ बनाई है। शुरुवात करने के लिए यह सबसे उपयोगी साधन है। ➤हिंदी स्वमान कमेंटरीज़ ➤अंग्रेजी स्वमान कमेंटरीज़ यह भी कहा जाता है, "जैसा खाओगे, वैसा बन जाओगे" - जिसका अर्थ समझाया गया है: जो भोजन को हम अपने पेट में रखते है, उस भोजन के प्रकंपन को हम ग्रहण करते है। इस रीति से, उन प्रकम्पनों को ग्रहण करते, हम उसी प्रकम्पनों को अपनाते है। आध्यात्मिकता की हमारी यात्रा में शुद्ध (सात्विक) भोजन करना अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है। यहां तक कि संत भी हमें यही बताते हैं। आध्यात्मिक जीवन शैली के लिए, भोजन जो प्रकृति माँ से प्राप्त होता है और जानवरों से नहीं (शाकाहारी भोजन), यह सबसे अच्छा माना जाता है। इसके बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमारा लेख पढ़े: योगी का आहार। ब्रह्मचर्य का महत्व (Importance of Celibacy)- BK Sachin bhai आत्म-चेतना - आनंदमय जीवन की चाबी है। ✦आत्म-चेतना क्या है? जब हम जागरूकता की स्थिति में होते हैं कि "मैं एक आत्मा हूं और यह भौतिक शरीर नहीं है", तो हमारी शक्तियां असीमित होती हैं, क्योंकि आत्मा किसी चीज़ से सीमित नहीं है। दूसरे शब्दों में, व्यक्ति इस भान के साथ सोचता है, महसूस करता है, कार्य करता है, प्रतिक्रिया करता है, आदि.. कि वह (आत्मा को संदर्भ करता है) शरीर का मालिक है। आत्म-चेतना में आत्मा के मूल गुण (शांति, पवित्रता, प्रेम, आनंद) स्वाभाविक रूप से उभरते है। हम आत्मा शांति और खुशी के लिए बाहरी (भौतिक) चीजों पर निर्भर नहीं हैं। वे हमारा आंतरिक स्वभाव हैं। दुःख और अशांति अनुभव करने का कारण यह विकार है। इस प्रकार से, यह अब भगवान का संदेश है और यह जाग्रत होने का समय है। हम सभी भाई है, एक निराकार परमात्मा की संतान है। ➤ आत्म-चेतना का अभ्यास (स्वमान-YouTube) ➤Reference: "Brahmacharya - Hindi eBook" (pdf): Explore ➤ All Hindi and English books in PDF ओम शांति. शिव बाबा सर्विस टीम

  • शिव बाबा से योग कैसे लगाए?

    ब्राह्मण आत्माए जो नयी नयी ज्ञान में आयी है व जो पुरानी होते हुए भी योग के रहस्य को विस्तार से जानना चाहते है, उनके लिए यह लेख - शिव बाबा से बुद्धि का योग कैसे लगाए? अर्थात परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाप को याद कैसे करे? तो किसीने email द्वारा यह प्रश्न हमे भेजा था जिसका प्रतिउत्तर आप पढ़ेंगे। Article/लेख : राजयोग क्या है? - जरूर पढ़े। ऐसे ही ज्ञान योग सम्बंधित और भी लेख (आर्टिकल) पड़ने के लिए विजिट करे -> General Articles Email Question योग में बैठते है तो विचार बहुत आते है। मन को शांत व बुद्धि को स्थिर कैसे किया जाये? Our Response/Answer ➤ जब हम योग करने बैठते है तो इस प्रक्रिया में हमारे विकर्म नष्ट होते है, जो माया रावण को नही सुहाता। क्योंकि हम माया रावण के 63 जन्मो के आसामी जो है। इसलिए माया रावण मन की संकल्पो की गति को अत्यंत तीव्र कर देती है। पर इसे एकाग्र करने की मेहनत तो हमें ही करनी है ना। इसलिए ही तो मीठे बाबा ने अनेको अनेक मुरलियों में स्पष्ट बताया हुआ है कि ज्ञान तो सहज है, योग में ही मेहनत है। इसलिए शुरुआत में मन को एकाग्र करने की मेहनत तो हमे ही करनी पड़ेगी ना। ➤ धयान दे, आत्मा की तीन मुख्य सूक्ष्म शक्तियां है - मन , बुद्धि और संस्कार। मन का कार्य है सतत संकल्पो वा विचार का निर्माण करना। बुद्धि का कार्य है निगेटिव, व्यर्थ और पॉजिटिव संकल्प को अलग अलग करना। और बुद्धि के जजमेंट को एक्सेप्ट करके या aside करके जो कर्म हम दो-चार बार कर लेते है, वो हमारे संस्कार बन जाते है। ➤ इसलिए विचार वा संकल्प का काम तो है ही आना। पर हमारा अर्थात आत्मा की शक्ति बुद्धि का काम है यथार्थ निर्णय द्वारा सही संकल्प को क्रियान्वित करना और गलत संकल्प वा विचार को समाप्त करना। ➤ अब गलत वा अयथार्थ संकल्प वा विचार को कैसे समाप्त करे ? कहते है खाली बुद्धि शैतान का घर है। तो बस बुद्धि को खाली ना रहने दे। और इसकी सहज विधि है - ज्ञान का चिंतन, परमात्म चिंतन, ड्रिल, ट्रैफिक कंट्रोल आदि द्वारा। ड्रामा रिपीट हो रहा है, नथिंग न्यू, ड्रामा और संगम कल्याणकारी युग है आदि आदि, ये ज्ञान के चिंतन के पॉइंट है। परमात्मा से योग लगा रहेगा तो माया को पास आने का चांस नही मिलेगा। ड्रिल द्वारा भी विचार वा संकल्प की दिशा को परिवर्तित कर सकते है। ट्रैफिक कंट्रोल मन को 1 सेकंड में एकाग्र करने में सहायक है। ➤ जब मन बहुत भटके तो मन को कहे कि हे मन अब ठहर जा। 63 जन्म हमने तुम्हारे कहने अनुसार किया, लेकिन अब तू मेरे अनुसार कर क्योंकि तू हमारी अनुचर है और मैं तुम्हारा मालिक। इसलिए तू हम पर अपने विचार मत लाद। और फिर ज्ञान चिंतन, परमात्म चिंतन , ड्रिल आदि द्वारा मन के व्यर्थ संकल्पो को स्टॉप लगा उसे श्रेष्ठ संकल्पो की तरफ डाइवर्ट करे। शिव बाप को याद कैसे करे? - Dadi Gulzaar राजयोग - योग की यथार्थ विधि जैसे video में दादी गुलज़ार से समझा - पहले अपने को आत्मा निश्चय करना है, आत्मा की अनुभूति में स्थिर होना है (अर्थात मस्तक के बीच में ज्योति बिंदु आत्मा मौजूद हु - यह अनुभव करना है ). फिर इसी स्थिति में स्थित रहे परमात्मा (शिव बाबा) को अपने पिता (बाबा / बाप) के सम्बन्ध से याद करना है। वो भी हमारे जैसे ही ज्योति बिंदु है लेकिन वो कभी जनम और मृत्यु के चक्र में आते नहीं। यह भी हमे स्मृति में है की वो ज्ञान, पवित्रता, शांति और प्रेम का सागर है, तो हम बच्चो को भी उनके समान बनना है। इसे ही परमात्मा से बुद्धि योग व राजयोग कहते है। इससे ही मुझ आत्मा के जनम जनम के विकर्म विनाश होते है और में आत्मा पवित्र बनती हुँ। Useful links RajYog guided commentaries (Hindi & English) 7 days course in Hindi राजयोग क्या है? - जरूर पढ़े General Articles - Hindi & English Questions and Answers BK Google - Search the Divine

  • BK Nirwair bhai (Mt Abu) Biography

    This is the official biography of Brahma Kumar (BK) brother Nirwair (Mount Abu), who is the general secretary of BKWSU, managing trustee of Global Health & Research Centre (GHRC hospital), and vice-president of the Janki Foundation (London). Nirwair bhai is well known in the brahman family as an elder brother of yagya who has overseen the development of Diamond Hall at Mount Abu (madhuban) where Avyakt BapDada milan and murli has taken place since 1996. He has also contributed as the incharge of GHRC hospital. Nirwair bhai's Early Life B.K Nirwair was born on 20 November 1938 in Punjab, India. He belonged to a good cultured and religious Hindu family. He used to read writings of Swami Vivekananda and Swami Ramtirath while in the high school. This brought in him good values and a desire to know the spiritual truth. He grew up in Punjab, passed his school life smoothly, and after the independance of India, he passed college degree and then served in the Indian Navy for nine years, where he got trained as an Electronics Engineer. He had been a true seeker of truth since his early adulthood, and had read the Bhagavad Gita (prime scripture of Bharat) many times. First Contact with BrahmaKumaris It was in the year 1959, when Nirwair bhai was in his home state Punjab and Mateshwari ji (Mamma Saraswati) came to visit the area where a BrahmaKumari centre was recently opened. Nirwair bhai, being a spiritual seeker went to attend mamma's class. Here is how he described his first experience with Mamma: "I came to know that a Brahma Kumari center was recently opened nearby my residence; and Mateshwari ji, who was the chief of Brahma Kumaris have come to visit. I thought, let me go and see what they teach, so I went in during the evening class. When I entered the centre's classroom, I saw Mamma, whom I never meet before was sitting in a Yogi position and as soon as I saw her divine face, I instantly felt deep peace and love within me. I stood still for a minute. Then mamma called me, and I went near and sat down in the first row. There were many people in the classroom but I somehow did not and could not notice them. Mamma began the evening class... I dont exactly remember the words, but it was a divine experience listening to mamma speaking the knowledge flawlessly and so clear. After the class, mamma called me and gave me drishti and gave me toli. I got to have a short conversation with Mamma before we had to leave.." "After this, Nirwair bhai continues; I took the RajYoga course (7 days course) and received the knowledge of Soul, the Supreme soul, World drama, cycle, and RajYog. Hence to say, it was mamma through whom I came in Gyan"; says Nirwair bhai in his interview." In this way BK Nirwair came in contact with the Yagya (BKWSU) when he was 21 years old, and later he surrendered in the Yagya in 1963 and progressed ahead in the mentorship of Prajapita Brahma and Saraswati Mamma, who are lovingly called "Mama-Baba". BK Nirwair's Global Services He started to serve as a valuable and effective instrument in spreading the teachings of the Brahma Kumaris, both in India and abroad. He has been the brain behind many programmes, conferences, retreats, and seminars organised by the PBKIVV. His interactions with others have brought about tremendous change in the way people view themselves, which in turn has helped shape the institution to which he owes his allegiance. He has been the source of inspiration behind the setting up of large World Renewal Spiritual Exhibitions, Spiritual Art Galleries, the making of documentary films and other projects on Spirituality in Art. In 1982, he represented the University at the Second Special Session on Disarmament (SSOD) held at the United Nations HQ, where he officially met the U.N.Secretary General Javier Perez De Cuellar and other dignitaries. While sharing the spiritual wisdom with leaders from various professional fields, he has shouldered the responsibility of acting as the Secretary-General of BKWSU in international conferences. The International Headquarters in Mount Abu have hosted a number of such conferences over the years on the themes of "Universal Peace", "Global Co-operation for a Better World", "Universal Harmony", "Spiritual Response to Changing Times", "Our Efforts for a Value- Based Society" etc. and continues to do so. Many distinguished dignitaries have inaugurated these conferences - ex-President Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, exPrime Minister Mr. Rajiv Gandhi - and been addressed by Mr. Robert Muller, other UN representatives and world leaders including the Dalai Lama, Lord David Ennals, Prime Minister Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee and others. ✤ Nirwair bhai regularly appears on Brahma Kumaris TV channel: Awakening TV and gives a short message. Services- India & Outside Nirwair bhai have visited all five continents to propagate the teachings and principles of the BKWSU. B.K. Nirwair has not only shown his competence in the realm of spirituality but also in humanitarianism and penmanship. One only needs to spend a few seconds with him to feel his unconditional love and respect for humanity. His concern for fellow human beings cuts all barriers of colour, caste and creed; his brain-child, the Global Hospital & Research Centre, Mt. Abu, substantiates this fact. He has been instrumental in over-seeing the construction and set-up of major projects of Brahma Kumaris: 'Gyan Sarovar, Academy for a Better World', Mount Abu 'Diamond Jubilee Complex', Talheti, Abu Road (Rajasthan) Om Shanti Retreat Centre', Goregaon (near New Delhi) 'Spiritual Art Gallery', Agra 'Shanti Sarovar Retreat Centre', Hyderabad Present News At present (Feb 2021), apart from being serving as the General-Secretary of BKWSU and trustee of GHRC hospital at Mount Abu, Nirwair bhai is also chief-editor of an English monthly spiritual magazine, "The World Renewal". He has been writing articles on spirituality in Hindi and English. He is also the chariperson of Education wing of Brahma Kumaris. He occasionally speaks during online seminars on bringing baba's shrimat and adopting divine virtues in our practical life. He wrote book like "Spiritual Treasures" and "Insights of a Rajyogi". Awards to BK Nirwair bhai Over the years, his selfless service to humanity has made him recipient of the following awards: - 'Rising Personalities of India Award' by International Penguin Publishing House, in 1999. - 'Morarji Desai Peace Education International Award for Year 2001' under Gujarat Gaurav Awards, by the Governor of Gujarat, in 2001. Endowed with a pious disposition and compassionate heart, he is always ready to serve society with the aim of helping people live a life of dignity, peace and welfare. Useful Links Biography of Great Souls (section) Brahma Kumaris Introduction (About Us) How to Join BK? (guidelines) General Articles (English & Hindi) BK Google - our divine 'search engine'

  • How to Control the Thoughts and Mind during meditation?

    How to control the mind in a positive way and bring some stillness and clarity? During meditation, is try to think positive, then the mind opposes that - well this is what Maya is. When you are trying to change then only this force (called Maya) is experienced. The more you will TRY to go ahead in spirituality, the more the force of maya oppose you. Hence Baba gives us the best advice for How to progress every day through the "Aaj ka Vishesh Purusharth" which is published daily on our Sound Cloud channel and on our BLOG. We strongly recommend you to listen to this daily Purusharth if you are in Gyan. Question received: Om Shanti and Namaskar. I know the importance and the power of thoughts and I have been trying hard to follow it. My mind acts very strange without me wanting that situation to happen. Many-a-times when I start thinking positively in the morning or during meditation for example - instead of thinking that I am very ‘sukhi’, my secret mind pops up and says ‘dukhi’ instead... My mind tells me to say negative words and I cannot control it. I know these are my old sanskaras and I definitely want to change them. Sometimes I am scared even to meditate thinking that I may think of a negative thought instead which I don’t want. This has been going on for some time and I am obviously unhappy about it. Can you please send me any tips on how can I train and control my mind? Answer+Guidance Our mind is a great magical gift imparted to us by Creator. It has tremendous power to materialize our wish like an Alladin lamp or Kamdhenu cow mentioned in our Scriptures. Since it is a store-house of thoughts it works what type of thoughts we feed and accordingly it creates our destiny. Hence, it is rightly said Our destiny is what our thought make, or as we think so we become. You have rightly identified that it is due to old sanskars. Sanskars are formed out of habit and habit is formed out of repetitive thoughts and actions. Once the habit is created either good or bad, it is difficult to break. Now, since your are Baba’s Child you must be very well aware of the hard sanskars formed due to vikarmas perfomed in our last 63 births from Dwarpar Yuga to Kali Yuga. Now, the only way to stop these negative sanskars which you have mentioned is to transform them to positive or elevated sanskars. But remember, it need not to be suppressed but transformed. Just as a pot of muddy water is replaced with the clean water if the tap water is continuously flowing, the old muddy thoughts of our pot which is brain will get replaced if we go on pouring positive and elevated thoughts. ➤ Baba has given us beautiful Swaman practice and 5 Swaroop abhyas (Panch swaroop/5 forms of soul). If we practice it regularly and sincerely, I am sure it will benefit you after tirelessly continuing it for minimum 3 weeks to 3 months. Any thing if practiced for 3 months gets absorbed in our blood and becomes an habit. ➤ I had a similar problem before coming in Gyan as my mind was beyond control. At that time I tried to channelize my thought energies in reading the gyan murli and making notes in my notebook. I also started churning murlis and writing it segregating it topic wise. After Baba gave the practice of 5 swaroop, I have been practising it which has really helped to bring mind under control and keep it calm and still in any adverse situation. Recently, Baba had made me to prepare a project on 10 different methods to practice 5 forms. It is really very effective and beneficial. It will put a break on the waste thoughts and try to bring your mind on 5 forms (Soul as a point of light, Deity form, worshipped idol form, Brahman - BK form, and farista - angelic form). Besides traffic control practice is also very effective which I follow regularly. Hence as explained, the panch swaroop (5 forms of soul) practice + listening to these songs + studying murli daily morning + traffic control shall best help you to make the Yog (meditation) an easy and pleasing experience. ➤ Controlling the mind is not a subject. Instead the mind is our 'creation'. Just as a child is a creation of its parents. So does parents show love to their child by trying to control him in all ways? No. Baba explains ➤ 'You are a master creator.' When we children understand this completely, we shall stop complaining of life and situations and will constantly fly towards the right way of life discovery. God has come as a Father (gives us the inheritance of heaven), a Teacher (gives us the knowledge of the creation and the creator), and a Guide (frees us from sorrow and takes us back to the home of peace) ➤ Lastly, one must not stop mediation (Yog) with a fear of thinking negative. We must face it through our will-power. Once our positive thoughts and aura increase these will go on subsiding. Besides, we have God's power and support in addition. So be positive and hopeful. If you are hopeful and do not lose your zeal and enthusiasm (Umang & Utsah), half the battle is won and with the practice and an undeviating faith in almighty Shiv Baba, we are assured a victory in this battle with maya. Useful links Question Answers about Everything 7 days RajYoga course online Resources for BK souls General Articles (Hindi & English)

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