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1 July 2018 BK murli today in English

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Brahma Kumaris murli today in English - 01/07/18 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 14/12/83

The family of God is the most elevated family of all.

Today, BapDada was seeing His elevated Brahmin family. The Brahmin family is the highest family. Do all of you know this very well? BapDada has first of all brought you into the loving relationship of a family. Baba hasn't just given you knowledge that you are an elevated soul, but the knowledge that you, an elevated soul, are a child. He brought you into the relationship of Father and child and, because of coming into this relationship, the pure relationship of brothers and sisters was forged amongst you. What does it become where there is the relationship of BapDada and brothers and sisters? God's family. Did you ever even dream about such fortune - that you would become an heir in God's family in a corporeal form and claim a right to the inheritance? To become an heir is the most elevated fortune of all. Did you ever think that the Father Himself would come and adopt a corporeal form, just like you children, and give you the experience of Father and child and all relationships? You never even thought that you would receive sustenance from God in the corporeal form. However, you are experiencing this now, are you not? You attained the fortune to experience all of this when you became part of God's family. So, you became the children who have a right to such an elevated family. You are being sustained with such pure sustenance. Look how you are swinging in the swing of subtle attainment! You are experiencing all of this, are you not? Your family has changed. The age has changed. Your religion and actions have changed. Because the age has changed, you have come away from the world of sorrow into the world of happiness. From being ordinary souls you have become the most elevated beings. You lived in the dirt for 63 births and now, from dirt, you have become lotuses. To come into God's family means to make your line of fortune elevated for birth after birth. This is God's family (parivar). “Parivar” means to go beyond (par) any attack (var). There can never be an attack on God's children. When you belong to God's family, your treasure-store of all attainments becomes full for all time. You become such master almighty authorities that even nature will become the servant of you children of God and serve you. Nature will consider you, who belong to God's family, to be elevated and will fan you for birth after birth. Elevated souls are fanned as a welcome or as a sign of regard for them. Nature will give you regard all the time. Even today, all souls have love for God's family. Even today, people continue to give praise and perform worship on the basis of that love. Even today, people listen to and relate the Bhagawad, the scripture of the memorial of the divine activities of God's family with love. People listen to and speak about the Gita, which is the memorial of the study, the Teacher of this Godly family and the Godly student life, with so much purity and in the right way. The memorial of God's family is also celebrated and worshipped in the form of the Sun, the moon and the lucky stars in the sky. Those who belong to God's family become seated on the Father's heart throne. No one, except those who belong to God's family, can attain such a throne. This is the speciality of God's family. However many children there are, all of them become seated on the throne. In no other royal family do all the children claim the throne. However, all of God's children have a right. Throughout the whole cycle, have you ever seen such a big and elevated throne on which all are able to be seated? God's family is such that everyone claims a right to self-sovereignty. He makes all of you into kings. As soon as you take birth, BapDada gives all of you children the tilak of self-sovereignty. He doesn't give all of you the tilak of becoming subjects, but the tilak of becoming a king. Praise is also sung of the tilak of the kingdom. The day of receiving the tilak of the kingdom is especially celebrated. Have all of you celebrated your day of receiving the tilak of the kingdom? Or have you yet to celebrate it? You have celebrated it, have you not? A tilak is a sign of happiness, a sign of fortune and a sign of a serious problem having been removed. When someone is going away to do some special task, his family members send him on his way after applying a tilak so that the task is successfully accomplished. All of you have already applied the tilak, have you not? You have become those who have the tilak, the throne and the crown of world benefit, have you not? The future reward of the crown and tilak is the result of the attainment of this birth. Now is the time for special attainment and to attain the mine of all attainments. If you don't receive this now, you won’t receive the future reward. The praise of this life is that the children of the Bestower, the children of the Bestower of Blessings, lack nothing. In the future, there will be at least one thing lacking. You won't have a meeting with the Father, will you? So, to be in God's family is to have a life of all attainments. You have reached such a family, have you not? You do believe yourselves to be part of such an elevated family, do you not? If you were to praise this life, many nights and days would go by. Look how the devotees spend so many days and nights just singing songs of praise! They are singing them even now. So, do you have such intoxication and happiness all the time? Do you always remember the riddle "Who am I”? You are not caught up in the cycle of remembering and forgetting, are you? You have become free from this cycle, have you not? To become a spinner of the discus of self-realisation means to become free from the spinning of many limited things. You have become like this, have you not? All of you are spinners of the discus of self-realisation, are you not? You are masters, are you not? A master knows everything. Every day at amrit vela, keep in your awareness "Who am I"? and you will always be powerful. Achcha.BapDada is seeing the unlimited family. The unlimited Father is giving the unlimited family unlimited love and remembrance.To those who constantly maintain the intoxication of the elevated family and who know the importance of God's family and thereby become great, to those who attain the treasure-store of all attainments and the elevated fortune of the kingdom, to God's jewels, love, remembrance and namaste.BapDada meeting Uncle and Auntie from Guyana:BapDada is meeting and also welcoming the serviceable children. To the extent that you have been remembering Baba at every moment, in return for that, BapDada accordingly merges you in His eyes and welcomes you children. Seeing the children who sing praise of the one Father, BapDada also sings songs of the speciality of such children. You sing such songs every day at every moment, do you not? What does the Father do when the children sing such songs? What do those listening do when someone sings a very good song? They start dancing against their conscious wish. Even though they may not know how to dance, even whilst sitting, they would start dancing. So, when children sing songs of love, BapDada dances in happiness. This is why the dance of Shankar is very well known. Service is also just dancing, is it not? What does the mind do when you are doing service? It dances, does it not? So, doing service is also dancing. Achcha.BapDada always sees the special speciality of the children. As soon as you took birth you received three tilaks from BapDada. What are they? You have the crown and the throne anyway, but the three tilaks are special. You have already received the tilak of self-sovereignty. The second tilak you received as soon as you took birth is that of being serviceable. The third tilak you received at birth is that of being loving and co-operative with all the family and with BapDada. You received all three tilaks as soon as you took birth, did you not? Therefore, you are those who have the trimurti tilak. Do you always consider yourselves to be such special servers? According to the drama, you have received the service of becoming instruments to give many souls zeal and enthusiasm. Achcha. To the extent that the children remember the Father, the Father also remembers you. The most constant and imperishable remembrance is the Father's remembrance. Children also get busy in other tasks, but the Father only has this work to do. From amrit vela, He begins the task of awakening everyone. Look how many children He has to awaken, and they are in this land and also abroad; they are not all in one place. Even then, children ask: What does Baba do all day?After the children, Baba then has to awaken the devotees and then He inspires the scientists. He has to look after all the children. Whether they are knowledgeable or without knowledge, they are all co-operative in many different ways. He has to serve so many types of children. Who is the most busy? The only difference is that there is no bondage of a body. Now, all of you will also become equal to the Father for a time; you will live in the incorporeal world. This desire of everyone will also be fulfilled. Achcha.BapDada meeting Madhuban residents:You already know the praise of the Madhuban residents. The praise of Madhuban is also the praise of the residents of Madhuban. What could be greater fortune than to be close to the corporeal form at every moment? You are sitting on the doorstep, you are sitting in the home, you are sitting in the heart. The residents of Madhuban don't need to make effort. Do you need to have yoga? Your yoga is already connected. Those whose yoga is already connected don't need to make the effort to connect their yoga. You are natural and constant yogis. Just as a train has an engine connected and all the carriages stay on the rails, they don't need to be made to move individually, in the same way, all of you are on the rails of Madhuban, the engine is connected and so you automatically continue to move along. “Residents of Madhuban” means conquerors of Maya. Maya will try (koshish) to come, but those who stay in the attraction (kashish) of the Father will always be conquerors of Maya. The efforts of Maya will end from a distance. All of you do very good service. You are an example of service. When someone fluctuates in service somewhere or other, then everyone gives the example of the residents of Madhuban. You all do so much tireless service in Madhuban with love, considering it to be your home; this is what everyone believes. Just as you are all number one in service and you have claimed 100% marks, in the same way, you need to have 100% marks in every subject. You all write on the board: You receive all three - health, wealth and happiness. Therefore, you also need to have these marks in all the subjects. It is the residents of Madhuban who listen to Baba the most. The first fresh produce is eaten by those of Madhuban. Others have special Brahma bhojan once when they come during their turn. You all eat it every day. You receive subtle and physical food hot and fresh! Achcha.What new preparations are you making? You are decorating your home very well with a lot of love. The speciality of Madhuban is that every time there is one new addition or other. Just as everyone sees newness in a physical way, in the same way, let them see and speak about the newness each time: this time we have seen such and such special wave of attainment in Madhuban. There are different waves, are there not? Sometimes, let there especially be the waves of bliss, sometimes of love, sometimes of the specialities of knowledge. Let each one see just these waves. Just as when someone goes into the waves of the sea, he has to move along with the waves or else he would drown, so let these waves be very clearly visible. What special things will you do in this conference? VIPs will come, journalists will come, there will be workshops; all this will happen. However, what special things will all of you do? What is the speciality of the physical Dilwala Temple? The design in every little room or alcove is different. Every room has its own speciality. This is why, out of all temples, that temple is unique. Even other temples have idols, but wherever you go in that temple, it has a special carved design. In the same way, in this living Dilwala Temple, let the speciality of every individual idol be visible. Whoever they see, let them see such special specialities that each one's speciality is more special than that of the others. Just as people say there that it is the wonder of the one who built it, in the same way, here, let them speak about the speciality of each one. All of you should have a meeting about this. It is not a big thing, you can do it. In the golden age the deities listen to their teachers just for the sake of it, but their awareness will be very sharp and they won't need to make any effort to remember. It is as though they have already heard it and it is just being refreshed. So, for the residents of Madhuban too, everything is already accomplished. There is just a little signal for determined thoughts, that’s all! You do also have very good thoughts but, in that too, repeatedly underline “determination” in them.

Blessing: May you be free from any desire (ichcha) and with remembrance of the Father, the Comforter of Hearts, make all three aspects of time good (achcha).

The children who have remembrance of the one Father, the Comforter of Hearts, in their heart constantly sing songs of “Wah wah!” No sound of distress can emerge in their minds, even in their dreams, because whatever happened was “wah” (wonderful), what is happening is “wah” and whatever is to happen is also “wah”. All three aspects of time are “wah wah”, that is, the best of all. Where everything is good, there cannot be any desire, because everything is said to be good when you have all attainments. To be full of all attainments is to be free of desires.

Slogan: Make your sanskars so pure and cool that no sanskars of force or bossiness emerge.


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