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Didi Manmohini Biography and Experiences

Writer's picture: Website AdminWebsite Admin

Updated: Jul 17, 2023

Didi (elder sister) Manmohini ji joined the Yagya (Brahma kumaris) in its beginning years in 1936-37. Her childhood name was Gopi who was born in around 1915 to mother Rukmani in Sindh, Hyderabad (presently located in Pakistan). They had a family connection with Dada Lekhraj (later named Prajapita Brahma).

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Didi Manmohini ji shared her life experience in this way:

"I was born in a famous and respected Sindhi family. The family into which I was married was also a very respectable one. Even in my loukik life, our relatives would frequently visit Dada Lekhraj's family. They were sort of pulled to him. You will probably ask, why? Because Dada was very well-known for his devotion. Seeing his devotional feelings, generosity, magnanimity, and kind-heartedness, the local community had a good respect for him. Besides, I would continue to meet and communicate with Baba because of our loukik relations. My loukik mother also desired that her children should forge relations with Baba's family. However, it did not happen in that way and we were married to other homes."

"In spite of being in a rich family, I was very unhappy in my worldly life. This is why I would spend more time attending various Satsangs here and there. There were all types of comfort in my home and we were constantly engaged in charity and making donations. I loved the Geeta and the Bhagavat very much. I did not know what would happen through reading them but I just loved the story of Gopis in the Bhagavat. I was habitual of going through that story daily. I even visualized myself as a Gopi internally. Even my loukik name was Gopi! As I was reading about Krishna's divine games with his Gopis I would shed tears of love. I was so fond of those Gopis! I wondered how the Gopis succeeded in meeting Krishna. So this is how my path of devotion continued." - says Didi.

Introduction and Life Story

"I saw a spinning discus of light in the middle of Baba's forehead"

Didi continues; "Once my loukik mother (whom they would call Queen Mother in the yagya) went to see Baba. And the next day after having gone to Baba she sent back her car to take me there, too. In those days having a car was 2 considered something great. I got into the car and went to Baba. Baba was sitting in a small room holding the Gita scripture in his hands and conducting a spiritual discourse (Satsang). I had seen Baba a number of times before, however, on that day I was experiencing a special pull to him. I came up to Baba and sat down in front of him in such a way that Baba's drishti would meet my drishti. I saw a spinning discus of light in the middle of Baba's forehead. I would not even say that I went into a trance. I was seeing this discus of light on Baba's forehead with my physical eyes. Baba was narrating something but I was hardly aware of what all of that was about. At the end, Baba started chanting the sound of ‘Om’ and I got lost in the love of that chanting. The heart was willing to get merged in the sound of Baba's voice. Even at that time, I could see the discus of light on Baba's forehead."

After the Satsang was complete, Baba asked me whether I had heard anything during the Satsang. I answered, 'Baba, I have heard it but I want to learn more.' Baba said, 'Come to Om Mandali tomorrow.' The next day Baba conducted his Satsang at another place. I went there and sat down in front of Baba. In those days we did not have the pictures that we are having now. Baba took a sheet of paper and a pencil and drew a picture of the subtle regions and of paramdham (home of souls). I would listen to Baba and the firm faith came in my heart that I was that same gopi described in the Bhagavat.

Didi had to tolerate assaults because of her vow of purity

When Baba started his Satsang in Hyderabad it caused a sensation in the city. On one hand many were getting divine visions and on other hand they were told (during Murlis) to remain pure in family life (celibacy). Baba's first direction was to remain pure (celibate). As soon as Didi heard that, she decided, 'I will stay pure.' As Didi took a vow of purity, her husband quarreled with her. He even beat Didi once or twice. Once he even threw a glass at Didi and hurt her head. But didi was intoxicated in her love for Baba's Gyan-murli (the flute of knowledge). As she was listening to the knowledge she would get intoxicated. She would immediately imbibe whatever Baba said and start practising it in her practical life. She had to tolerate lots of assaults after taking the vow of purity. Having got fed up with her husband's cruelty she had to leave his house and return to her parents. Didi was Mamma's right hand in day-to-day tasks.

Administrative skills

After the partition in 1951, when preparations were to be made for this organization to move from Sindh to another place, Baba sent Didi for this task. And it was Didi ji who made all the inquiries and selected Mount Abu for this purpose.

"The image of knowledge, the image of virtues, the image of yoga, and the image of tenderness"

And that was not all about her! Didi had many other virtues. First of all, she was a very diligent student. From 1937 till 1983 she was never absent in Baba's Gyan Murli class. Everyone would see her present in the class with her notebook and her pen. At the time of listening, she would note down certain points of knowledge, and then throughout the day she would share them with the seekers she met. So she remained a diligent student even at the age of 72. And she was also very good in her yoga practice. She would take her bath in the morning and not only would she be seated at 4.00 a.m. according to the discipline but also she conducted meditation for everyone in silence by becoming the image of yoga.

Tireless Godly Servant

From the beginning of the Yagya, she was very active in taking responsibilities. She did tireless service in this institution by fully surrendering her mind, body, and wealth to the task of awakening people. Even in her old age, she would travel widely across the country doing Godly service everywhere from Assam to Abu, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, from Kolkatta to Kach. She even went abroad for this elevated task. Even at the age of 72, she would show her care providing thousands of those coming to Madhuban with all the comforts as well as taking them into the depths of Gyan. Day and night she was busy showering everyone with her motherly love.

The Life Of Renunciation

Didi lived a very simple life. From dressing to meals and behavior. In this way, she remained an image of simplicity and renunciation. Whatever possessions she had she gave them as presents to others and was connected in love with God.


Didi was: Loving, royal, attentive, simple, Yogi, conqueror of sleep, cheerful, and responsible.

Animation Movie: Didi Manmohini

Visit the July special post of Didi Manmohini to get the entire collection of Didi's Biography, experiences, qualities, poems, and videos.

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