To protect ourselves from the virus, along with taking care at a physical level (practicing respiratory hygiene, maintaining social distance, etc) we also need to strengthen our emotional immunity. Sharing some important points one can practice during this epidemic and even afterward.
The combined powers of affirmation and visualization which means meditation, keep us emotionally protected. Let's think and talk of the reality we want by creating affirmations and visualizing them as first thoughts every morning, last thoughts at night, once after every hour and before eating and drinking anything.
Our thoughts manifest so we need to pay attention to what we say. Today we extensively discuss about the epidemic. Let’s change our conversations and start saying that the virus is finished. We can ask people to take care but instruct with blessings. Our every word needs to be a blessing.
Perhaps the whole world has lived with a belief - As will be the situation, so will be our state of mind. So when there is a challenge like an epidemic, we feel fear and anxiety are obvious. Situation does not affect our mind. Our mind influences the situation. When we remember and revise this daily, our vocabulary, thoughts and feelings change. We become fearless.
Meditate to remain powerful and emotionally protected from the Corona virus. Sit back, relax the body and start this Guided Commentary. As you listen to each thought, visualize it and start feeling it. Repeat this every morning and every night before you sleep. Also repeat these thoughts each time before you consume food and water, to energize them.
Let's explore meaningful ways to utilize our time and energy, while at home. The first letter of each activity spells out the word 'LOCKDOWN':
L - Love yourself & everyone to save the world
O - Observe Social distancing and exercise self-control
C - Connect to God and create a protecting shield
K - Kindness & gratitude for all
D - Daily Meditation & Exercise
O - Offer help everyone around you
W - Wake up early and create a healthy lifestyle
N - NO to Complaining, Criticising and Consuming too much information
5 Ways To Energize Your Home
A daily routine to utilize our time wisely, so that we remain energized, and also energize our home and family. We need to begin our day with spiritual study and meditation, keep our thoughts and words pure throughout the day and empower them. This is also a good time to clean our minds and change unhealthy sanskaras.
Stay healthy, Stay positive & Utilize the opportunity the time has given!