Essence from today's gyan murli of Shiv baba, on behalf of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Godly University. Date: 13 May 2019.

Sweet children, the soul-conscious Father is teaching you the lesson of, “May you be soul conscious!” Your effort is to renounce body consciousness.
What is the first illness that develops when you become body conscious?
That of being trapped in the name and form of someone. This illness makes you vicious. This is why the Father says: Practise remaining soul conscious. You should not have any attachment to your body. Renounce attachment to bodies and remember the Father and you will become pure. The Father is showing you the way to free yourself from a life of bondage and to become liberated in life. This is your study.
1. In order to become satopradhan, do not remember anyone except the Father. Practise becoming soul conscious.
2. Live together like milk and sugar. Gain victory over the vices during this last birth and become conquerors of the world.
May you be a soul with all rights and has the firm faith and intoxication of victory in every act.
Victory is our birthright; constantly continue to fly in this awareness. No matter what happens, bring this into your awareness: I am constantly victorious. No matter what happens, let this faith be firm. The basis of intoxication is faith. If faith is lacking, there will be less intoxication. This is why it is said: Those whose intellects have faith are victorious. Do not be one who only sometimes has faith. The Father is imperishable and so you have a right to imperishable attainments. Let there be the faith and intoxication of victory in every act.
Stay under the canopy of the Father’s love and no obstacle will be able to stay.
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