Handling Rejection From Loved Ones
When people are critical about us, do not meet our expectations, or insult us, we feel rejected by them. This makes us feel inferior and unwanted. We may love someone, and our lives might revolve around that person. But if they don’t treat us the same way, we feel that they rejected us.
1● Do you sometimes think – They rejected me… they do not love me … I care for everyone… no one cares for me. People will have their own opinions about you. Also, the way someone perceives you will vary with time, although you remain the same.
2● Just because people are not right to you, do not relate it to rejection. Perhaps their intentions were perfect but their behavior was not perfect. Go beyond the behaviour to understand the reason – maybe they were in a bad mood or in the middle of a negative situation. Support them and send them your good wishes and spiritual love.
3● Enjoy being with people and creating beautiful bonds with them. But do not allow your happiness to be dependent on anyone. Even if someone rejects you, continue to be yourself – take care of them to the best of your capacity, without expectations. Let your pure vibrations influence them.
4● What people think about you is not important. What you think about yourself means everything. Love and accept yourself unconditionally. Reflect within yourself daily to build the self-esteem of your core values and make yourself stronger to give unconditionally.
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Message for Today
"Success is achieved through consistent effort"

We tend to associate success with what we get, rather than how much effort we put in. So when things don't go our way, we associate failure with negative feelings. Then we stop trying.
When I make the right effort to succeed at something, I try to do the best I can. Because of this contribution, others will also contribute their best to make that thing a success. Success follows. When I do the right things, even if the results are not what I expected, I will continue to experience self-improvement.
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