7 Benefits Of Meditation
1● Meditation is a beautiful exercise of the mind in which we connect with the spiritual self or soul and experience its qualities. Also, in meditation, we connect with God – the Supreme Soul and imbibe His qualities inside us.
2● The more we meditate, the more positive, pure, and powerful we become. Our thoughts, feelings, and attitudes undergo immense positive change.
3● Meditation builds our emotional immunity and inner strength and keeps us protected from different negative situations in life.
4● It also enables us to discover the self and God more come closer to both of them and create a beautiful relationship with them.
5● Spiritual wisdom also becomes easier to understand when we meditate regularly and meditation makes us an embodiment of spiritual wisdom. We learn new and creative ways of thinking and our belief systems change from ones based on body consciousness to ones based on soul consciousness.
6● Meditation is a gift that God offers us at the present time and He himself teaches us its technique so that we souls get uplifted and create new realities in life. These new realities are little heavens filled with peace, love, and joy in our homes, workplaces, and in every other sphere of life.
7● Our mental and physical health becomes more beautiful, our inner and outer personality improves and our efficiency and accuracy in every action becomes higher. And very importantly, our relationships become free from conflicts and filled with good wishes, respect, and co-operation. We start earning wealth with more honesty, cleanliness, and success.
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Message for Today
"Constantly focusing on positivity leads to freedom from anxiety"

Thought: Focusing on positivity means not thinking, speaking, or doing anything that is useless, negative, or even mundane. One who maintains focus in this way and does not let in any negativity from the outside is always free from tension. And whatever is available is used in the right way.
Experience: When I focus on and use my inner treasures for a good purpose, the inner energy is used. When this energy is recognized and used in this way, negativity ends, just as sunlight ends darkness.
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