Ignore False Criticism
There will always be people who will not like us for who we are or what we do. Although we know about them, we don’t need to focus on them. We need to focus our attention on the people who support us and send us positive energy.
1● Most of your family members congratulate you on your success, but one of them feels jealous. Ten friends admire your new car, but two neighbours criticize it. All your team members support your new project idea, but only one colleague ridicules it. Where does your attention go – to the majority who are supportive of you, or the minority who criticize you?
2● Not everyone will like us. It is a reality of our present day lives. There will always be a few people who are uncomfortable seeing you happy or successful. They will have their reasons – their jealousy, insecurity, external influences, failures or weaknesses trigger them to create negative thoughts for you and behave wrongly with you.
3● Repeatedly thinking or speaking about people who don’t approve of you, creates fear, anger and hurt. You become weaker and more vulnerable to consuming their negativity. Understand them and create pure thoughts for them. Your compassion becomes a protective shield for you.
4● Even if a few people send you negative energy, remember there are lots of people who send you blessings and pure energy always. Focus your attention on their positive energy, so that the influence of the few negative vibrations automatically gets nullified.
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Message for Today
"Recognizing the uniqueness of my own personality means being free from the influence of negativity."

A person who is aware of his own uniqueness can create a strong influence on his own personality. Therefore, such a person is not negatively affected by anyone's personality traits. Even if there is a person with a very strong personality in front of him, he can be free from the influence of his negativity.
When I can recognize and use the special aspects within me , I am able to be powerful within. I experience this inner power in all situations and with all people. Because I am constantly in touch with my own special aspects, I am light and happy.
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