Connect More With People Face To Face (Not Online)
Ever since digital communication has taken over, we prefer reaching out to people online. Sit back and see how you prefer real-world conversations to energise yourself and your relationships. Over the last few years, technology – social media in particular – seems to have become more attractive for our interactions, as compared to the real world. We are secluding ourselves from people and connecting online instead.
1● Do you enjoy meeting people in real life or prefer talking to them online? Do you connect with more people digitally? Even when sitting with family, are you often caught up with someone on the phone?
2● Technology helps you to communicate quickly with more people. It cannot connect you to their emotions or unspoken messages which you can gather when you meet someone in person.
3● Consciously choose when to engage in online interactions, and more importantly when to log off. Have face-to-face conversations instead, as they are vital to meaningful relationships. They create powerful bonds which boost your happiness, harmony and wellbeing.
4● Meditate daily to strengthen your qualities of compassion, love and kindness so that you are more sensitive to people’s needs. Allocate time for self, family, friends, social gatherings and for participating in social causes.
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Message for Today
"Self-control means having the ability to direct thoughts in the right direction"

Points to think about:
We usually think of self-control as an effort to force the mind to stop thinking in a certain way. It is also understood as suppressing emotions. And so we see that we cannot do so. This usually suggests that self-control has been completely abandoned and that self-control is difficult.
Self-control means becoming an authority over my thoughts and feelings. No matter how great the challenges, I can direct my thoughts in the right direction. I don't let my thoughts wander, so I don't have to worry about regaining control. It makes my mind more creative and I find solutions to problems more easily.
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