Avoid Showing Off & Keep Humility
In an identity-addicted world, we like to draw attention of people to ourselves, our achievements, possessions and status. We show off, self-promote and seek people’s compliments. It is one thing to own all the luxury and earn high status, but it is completely another thing to boast about them. Boasting speaks the language of winners and losers. Modesty speaks the language of humility and equality.
1● Although you want to be modest or humble, you need to check if you are applying it in your daily life. Moreover, watching other people showing off successful aspects of their life on social media may be tempting for you to do the same.
2● To strengthen modesty, begin by respecting everything in your life – people, animals, plants, objects. Appreciate that none is more important than the other. Show equal gratitude and care for all of them.
3● Value all resources and use them in moderation, whether it is water, electricity, money, food, clothes. Separate your needs and wants. Strive to fulfil your needs and live comfortably. Show control over your unending wants or desires.
4● Modesty does not mean you overlook success or give up comforts. Acknowledge your strengths and successes, be confident, but do not show off. Do your best and remain humble, giving credit wherever it is due. Offer all your success and recognition to God, do not consume it and become egoistic.
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Message for Today
"Collaboration is easier when everyone is working together for a common cause"

Points to think about:
It is essential that we share the cause and information about the cause with all concerned in order to gain the cooperation of others. Everyone will understand our purpose when we communicate it using simple and easy language. This helps create a sense of team spirit as everyone naturally does their best for the benefit of all involved.
When I start something new that involves a lot of different people, I need to let everyone know everything before we start. Even small pieces of information can make a big difference in other people's understanding and help them prioritize things. When everyone works together in sync, we get things done faster and more efficiently.
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