Overcoming Obstacles with Wisdom & Faith (Part 3)
In the latter part of the birth-rebirth world drama, as our accounts of negative karma or actions have increased, we have experienced a large number of ups and downs in the different aspects of life, as explained in the last two days’ messages. All these bitter experiences, which we obviously do not remember today, have weakened us and left deep scars on our subconscious mind and are in fact the main cause of the creation of sanskaras of fear, anxiety, pessimism lack of determination, etc. in the soul.
➤Repeated experiences cause the formation of similar sanskaras. If we experience peace repeatedly i.e. we think about peace, visualize peace, and make peaceful conversations repeatedly, sanskaras of peace are created in the soul. In the same way, each time something went wrong in our life in the past births; due to a lack of spiritual awareness and inner strength, we experienced sorrow, peacelessness, mental tiredness etc., and that caused the creation of similar sanskaras in the soul. This is the main reason why today when we find ourselves in a negative situation or scene of life, we are not able to have the faith in ourselves that we can emerge victorious in the situation.
➤We have experienced failure in the past birth at different points of time and many times and that is why each time something goes wrong, although we emerge thoughts of victory, many times we dilute these positive thoughts with a large number of weak thoughts, of possible failure. This kind of weak consciousness during problems not only prolongs the time duration of our problems but also keeps the solution away from us much longer.
➤Today, with the help of spirituality, we need to inject the power of faith into our thoughts, words, and actions. For that, we need to increase our thought power tremendously, which will have a positive effect on our words and actions as a result. The food of powerful thoughts through listening to or reading spiritual wisdom and the experience of emotional power given to the soul through meditation only can heal the emotional scars in the soul over a period of time, the result of which we can become full of strong determination and will-power so as to weaken negative situations and make them positive and not let situations weaken us and make us negative.
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Message for Today
"Difficulties and challenges bring out hidden treasures in us"

Points to think about:
When we face challenges, sometimes we feel that we are not strong enough or that we cannot be better. Instead of seeing a challenging situation as an opportunity to grow and move forward, we experience more negative thoughts.
When I believe in myself, when I learn how to use the hidden treasures within me, I can be strong even in the most difficult situations. And then, hardships change—with my newfound inner strength, instead of appearing as hardships, they appear as opportunities we welcome to grow stronger.
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