Acceptance Is Strength, Not Weakness
When we go through difficult life circumstances, people advise us to accept them the way they are. We feel acceptance is weakness, suppression, or a form of giving up. In any situation, we have two options: accept it or resist it. Resistance means our mind questions scenes of life. Acceptance means this moment is as it is, we flow with it and we start working on the next scene.
1 ● You are the creator of your own internal state. Meditate every morning and fill your mind with wisdom. This helps you remain calm and easy throughout the day, making acceptance easier.
2 ● Begin with accepting yourself – no judgments, guilt, or criticism about who you are and what you have in life. Be comfortable with your present self and be ready to transform.
3 ● As the first step to accepting people as they are, remind yourself – I am a pure being interacting with another pure being. So, the ego of gender, relationship, position, age, and achievement will finish. The second step is to be aware that each person is different, they will be their way, and beyond a certain point, I cannot change them. I can only influence them positively.
4 ● Acceptance of situations means, teaching the mind to say – This is it, now what next instead of questioning – Why is this? Otherwise, if you get into why, what, when, and how, then the mind keeps on creating waste thoughts. Putting full stops conserves your energy to face the situation.
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Message for Today
"Only one positive thought can make the mind powerful"
Points to think about:
When we have negative thoughts about ourselves, another person, or a situation, more negative thoughts follow—for example when thoughts arise about situations that went wrong in the past—we find ourselves overwhelmed by negative thoughts.
I need to challenge myself to think positively even in the most negative situations. It helps me break the habit of repeating negative thoughts. Positive thoughts are not necessarily related to the current situation; Any thought I bring to my mind should lead me to think more positively about life.