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Delegating Responsibilities To Others

Whether we are the head of a family or a team in our office, sometimes we are insecure about handing over responsibility to others, we seek to keep responsibility to ourselves. Check if you hesitate to pass on responsibilities to other people. You may be enjoying what you do, fear giving up control, cannot trust people to do a good job, or feel threatened that the other person might perform better than you.

1 ● Delegation is not just about getting things done. It is a process of empowering everyone on your life journey and is your purpose in life. Someone once trusted you with your duties, now it is your turn to keep the same energy flowing.

2 ● Provide people with all the resources and give them the freedom to execute things their way. Do not interfere in their style of working. Be available with all your support and interfere only if they seek guidance or if things are going wrong.

3 ● Delegation is also in the mind. Release your attachment to how things should be. Open your mind to the possibility of things being done another way, in a new way. Do not create doubt or fear about others’ ways. Empower them with vibrations of faith and success.

4 ● They might make mistakes, guide them lovingly and respectfully. Your energy of trust and acceptance helps people to give more than their capacity, to ensure the success of the task at hand.

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Message for Today

"Treating problems like a game and moving forward is levity."

"Treating problems like a game and moving forward is levity."

Points to think about

People view challenging situations as problems to  be solved. Often , we avoid situations or the people involved. Furthermore , we want everything to change. Once a challenging situation passes , we feel powerless.


If I understand that problems are just a game , I can play my part. Then , even if I face a very difficult problem , I can do better because I understand the importance of what is happening . I feel lighter and happier. Because I don't let problems control me , I can handle them effectively.

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