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PDF - 7 days course in Hindi, English, Telugu

7 days Raja Yoga (rajyog meditation) course PDFs in Hindi, English, and Telugu. Individual days (from day 1 to day 7) and also available in a single PDF file to view, download or print. RajYoga course is the base and essence of entire Godly knowledge given by Shiv Baba in murlis (through Prajapita Brahma). Please SHARE this page/site to your connections. Do this service of spreading the Godly message.

Hindi course

Day 1: आत्मा की पहचान - में कौन (Who am I ?)  View this

Day 2: परमात्मा का परिचय (Introduction of GOD)  View this

Day 3: ३ लोक कौन से है (The Three worlds)  View this

Day 4: विश्व नाटक और चक्र (World Drama Cycle)  View this

Day 5: मनुष्य सृष्टि एक उल्टा वृक्ष और 84 जनम  View this

Day 6: कलियुग का विनाश - मनुष्य जीवन का लक्ष्य  View this

Day 7: राजयोग की विधि - Method of Raja Yog  View this

आत्मा की ८ शक्तियाँ  View this

आत्मा के ७ मौलिक गुण  View this

परमात्मा के रचे गए ज्ञान यज्ञ का परिचय  View this

मुरली से प्रश् उत्तर  View this

७ दिवसीय कोर्स in one PDF  View this

७ दिवसीय कोर्स Full book in PDF  View this

Eng course pdf

English course

Day 1: Who am I ? - Self Realisation (Soul)  View this

Day 2: GOD -a complete Introduction of Shiv baba  View this

Day 3: Three Worlds (corporeal, subtle, incorporeal) View this

Day 4: World Drama and Cycle of 4 Ages  View this

Day 5: The eternal Law of Karma  View this

Day 6: Raja Yoga (RajYog) meditation  View this

Day 7: Seven Virtues of Soul  View this

           Eight Powers of Soul  View this

4 Subjects of the Godly University  View this

FULL course Book - Jagdish bhai  View this

Course PPT -7 days course in One  View this

Telugu & Tamil course

7 days Full course in Telugu pdf to print  View this

7 days course in Tamil (தமிழ் பாடநெறி)  View this

Tamil & Telugu section (Everything)  Visit this

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