Don’t Impose Your Will On Other People
Each of us carry beliefs that may be unique to us. We are so attached to them that we try to impose our ideas on other people.
1● Have you met people who are determined to impose their view on an issue, on the rest of the people around them? Or have you been in that position, attempting to silence others and forcing people to accept what you say?
2● Whether your opinion is beneficial for others or it fulfills your own goals, do not impose it on others. People feel overwhelmed to change what is a part of their nature. Your view can challenge their comfort zones and hence bring about rejection in them.
3● Do not conclude things as absolutely right or absolutely wrong. Whether it is a career decision for your child, a business idea, or a health tip – state your opinion assertively and humbly, and after that respect others’ views.
4● Respect the fact that people have their own pasts, personalities, and comfort zones – just as you have yours. Your role is to share your advice and then respect their choices. Your respect for their choice will give them the strength to understand your choice. This then takes them a step forward towards being open to accepting your choice. It’s a journey for them to shift. Be calm and understanding.
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Message for Today
"Being free from anxiety means having the power to transform negativity into Positivity"

Points to think about:
When something doesn't go according to our expectations, it's easy to worry about it. We become incapable of intellectual thought and the solution becomes buried in a mountain of worry.
When I'm free from anxiety, I can focus on finding immediate solutions instead of focusing on the problem. This inner peace gives me a sense of power and transforms me in a second to grasp only the good.