Be The "Giver" In Your Relationships
Navigating through our relationships today, let us check if we are the givers of care, attention and forgiveness. Often we start as givers but gradually shift to the wanting side of things. Relationships are strong when we only give…and give. They become business when we expect a give-and-take. In your important relationships, do you see clear evidences where you have given more goodness than you have taken? Even if it’s one-sided, do you radiate selfless love, respect and care to the other person? If yes, your qualities are conducive to create lasting relationships.
➤When we take care of ourselves emotionally and spiritually, we recognize our self-worth and discover an unending supply of inner treasures of happiness, peace and love. We will need nothing from others. We will have so much to give in terms of energy that we naturally radiate it to people. Relationships are about giving and not so much about receiving. We give right energies not because they need, but because giving feels good and giving is our nature. And when we radiate goodness, we are the first ones to receive our energy. We are emotionally powerful, self-sufficient and independent.
➤Remember that you are a loveful soul and the creator of your relationships. Caring for family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, society is your nature. Relationships are important for you, their happiness matters to you. Choose to be the giver in every relationship.
➤Give love and acceptance and unconditionally be there for them. As you give and receive them you will become full of these qualities. So you don’t need them from anyone else. Do not need people to be your way, they can be their way. Do not think, hear or speak about weaknesses. Thank everyone who loves and supports you. Thank everyone who has not been right to you for giving you the opportunity to increase your patience, adjustment and tolerance. You need nothing. You only give in your relationships.
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