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Daily Thoughts: February 2024

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February 2024 official post: Get daily thought of the day written and sent from Madhuban (Brahma Kumaris Headquarters in Mount Abu, India). These are inspirations for our Purusharth and for better living in general. Get thought messages of the entire month on this post. Please SHARE and send this post to BK brothers & sisters in your connection.

1 Feb

There is such inner strength that I get because of God's love that even if somebody does something to hurt me, I don't allow myself to get hurt. Even if people are saying negative things, they don't influence or touch me in a negative way. I am so full with God's love that it naturally flows out to those around me.

2 Feb

Every individual has some or the other speciality. When this speciality is revealed in one’s own words and behaviour, good wishes emerge from others very naturally. These good wishes become a form of blessing for the one who is making effort with an honest heart.

3 Feb

Humility brings an experience of being full and complete. So naturally I am available for service, and have always the thought of bringing benefit to as many as possible. Humility also gives an experience of being a master, because no situation or person binds me, but I am able to experience freedom.

4 Feb

When I understand that problems are just a game, I am able to play whatever part I have to, externally. But internally I will experience lightness knowing that this is the part I have to play. It would be easy to understand the significance of the part that I am playing and remain happy.

5 Feb

A good practice whenever you meet someone is to ensure that you have shared something with the other person e.g. If a person comes to you and he is lacking love, just look at him and create a pure and positive thought in your mind that this person will experience his original quality of love and share the same with others.

6 Feb

When I am content, others automatically recognise the contentment within me. They are able to take benefit from my state. Even in the most hopeless state, I find that I become a source of support for those around me. I am able to give hope to the hopeless and help them get back to a state of happiness.

7 Feb

When I am honest with myself, I am able to find the joy of learning from my mistakes. Mistakes don’t make me heavy because I know I have something to learn from them. There is constantly enthusiasm to bring about a change and move forward. So I find that I am constantly progressing and also becoming an inspiration for many to bring about change.

8 Feb

Give a new flavour to each day, of different experiences filled with different types of qualities. Qualities such as cheerfulness, contentment and lightness, which are all different colours of happiness will make life a beauty filled journey.

10 Feb

When I am able to be a master of my own thoughts, feelings and emotions I am able to deal effectively with situations and people. I never go out of control or lose my cool however difficult the situation or person may be. This enables me to be aware of my own inner resources and use it to be the best of my ability.

11 Feb

When I am providing help to someone, I need to check the kind of help that I am providing. True help is to provide assistance in such a way that slowly the person learns to rely on his own resources and becomes independent.

12 Feb

The best way to slow down your thoughts in the entire day is to begin your day with a deep connection with God - The Ocean Of Peace and Silence. In the morning our mind is very fresh and if we make it silent with meditation at that time, the whole day is influenced because of that and we hurry less and work more.

13 Feb

When I understand the significance of my actions and create an elevated fortune for myself through right actions, I am able to experience constant progress in my life. I also naturally become an inspiration for others too, so that they can discover their inner resources to create an elevated fortune for themselves.

14 Feb

A seed grows only when it is mingled with the mud. In the same way, the one who is great is naturally humble. He understands the truth that only when there is humility will there be success. Humility gives the power to bow down without reducing one’s own self-respect.

15 Feb

When I am able to use all situations as opportunities to recognise and use my inner potential, I am able to be free from the influence of my weaknesses. This freedom gives me the ability to enjoy this moment without filling the mind with unnecessary doubts and questions.

16 Feb

Life brings lots of situations which naturally bring about waste thoughts. But the one who is powerful searches for ways and means to finish this waste. Such a person is like a skilled player who is waiting for an opportunity to give his best. So each situation is used as a means to use of all the resources in the right way.

17 Feb

When there is the happiness and joy of doing something, one can go on putting in effort even in the most difficult circumstances. For having done everything with happiness, there will be the inner quality revealed in each and every task. The happiness within will spread around to others too.

18 Feb

Even if there is a temporary feeling of negativity, if I am able to forget the mistakes of others and forgive them, I am able to be free from negative feelings. I am able to be light and free from the burdens of the past interactions with them. So I find myself successfully able to deal with others, whoever they may be.

19 Feb

Simplicity is free from the complications of waste questions, doubts and expectations. The one who is simple is naturally accurate and inspiring in his actions. He is able to understand the demands of the environment and mould himself accordingly, so he himself has no demands.

20 Feb

When I am able to bring about such positivity in my life, I'll not only win the love of God, but also the love, praise and good wishes of all those around me. I also become trust worthy and an image of support for those who are seeking to bring positivity in their lives.

21 Feb

The one who does not expect from others, but is able to give others from whatever resources he has, is the one who is flexible. Being flexible means to be able to recognize the other person’s value system and moulding one self according to it without losing touch with one’s own value system.

22 Feb

Remaining stable in appreciation helps you handle criticism with dignity. A person criticizing you is portraying his perception, mood and personality. Detach from the emotional energy attached to it, judge the feedback and see if you need to do something. Otherwise ignore it completely, let go and remain stable.

23 Feb

Life has meaning when there is the happiness of living. Everything that happens brings something new. The more the mind is tuned to see and appreciate this truth, there is the happiness that lasts - whatever the situations may be.

24 Feb

When I understand that I am a student for my entire life, I am able to be open to learning. So I am able to listen whole-heartedly. Then, instead of only putting across what I have to say, I am able to pay attention to what others are saying too. I am thus able to enrich myself with new treasures constantly.

26 Feb

Only when I am able to accept can I bring about a change in the other person. When I accept I am able to see what the other person is lacking and provide him with it. So I am actually giving the other person a chance to change. Also when I accept others and understand them, others too are able to accept me and love me as I am.

27 Feb

The body is a beautiful temple of the soul. Positive health care by doctors creates a beautiful temple with pure and positive energy, in which the soul enjoys living every moment and fulfills its constant aim of life to experience peace, love and joy and give others the same experience.

28 Feb

To make something big as small or to make something small as big depends on one’s state of mind. When one’s state of mind is good, to deal with situations becomes easy. So even difficult situations are crossed over with great ease. Then there will be no dependency on the external situations to change the internal state of mind.

29 Feb

The only way to trust and gain people's trust is by having respect for them. Respect makes me look at the specialities in everyone and I am able to relate to these specialities. The more I look at the positive aspect in others, the more I am able to encourage others to use these specialities and relate to my own specialities too.

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