For this, we assume that you are connected with Brahma Kumaris family (yagya), and you have taken the 7 days RajYoga course, and are a regular godly student, who listens or read shiv baba's daily murli (or murali) in your regional language either through your nearby local BK center, or via internet.

Here are our official and wellknown Murli websites, serving baba's daily murli in regional and international languages in text, PDF, and audio.
Info ➤ Murli is served in 28 languages officially from madhuban, Mount Abu (HQ) in India.
Services ➤ Read murli online, download PDF, listen audio (mp3)
Official?➙ Yes
Run by➙ Murli department, Mount Abu.
Info ➤ This is a new platform for serving daily murli in Hindi, English and Bengali (as of march 2021). BabaMurliNET allows you to 'subscribe' to daily murli on your email - so that you will get daily murli on your email when we post on the website at around 6 pm (India time)
Services ➤ Read murli online, download PDF, listen Audio, get Old murlis & more in 8 languages.
Official?➙ Yes
Run by➙ Shiv Baba Services Initiative team
Info ➤ Most used murli website - serving murli in 28 languages in htm, pdf, audio via various sources.
Services ➤ Read murli online in HTM, download PDF, get Audio murli + daily calendars, Hindi chart, swaman, slogan, etc.
Official?➙ No, but approved.
Run by➙ BK Luhar ji (Ahmedabad, India)
Info ➤ This is murli blog - daily murli is served in 2 languages - Hindi and English, posted everyday at around 6 pm (India time)
Services ➤ Read murli on blog online, download PDF
Official?➙ No
Run by➙ unknown
Info ➤ This is murli blog - daily murli is served in 2 languages - Hindi and English, posted everyday at around 6:30 pm (India time)
Services ➤ Read murli on blog online, listen Murli audio, Aaj ka Purusharth & more
Official?➙ No
Run by➙ BK Abhishek, UP, India
Daily Murli Mobile Apps
1. Madhuban Murli app
2. BK Sustenance -All in One
3. Mobile Murli app (BkDrLuhar)
Useful Links
Daily Murli Audio (official page)
What is Gyan Murli (English)
Video Library (selected Top videos)